pimping and an update on supposed "christmas cards"

Jan 24, 2011 20:25

Okay, first things first, because I just found this out today, and it has me LIVID:

I know I promised something like 20 of you Christmas cards. I mentioned I was going to be late, and I apologised. But I finished them, and the day I was to take a bunch of buses to get the errand done on my day off, my mother said she had to hit the post office ( Read more... )

recommendations, news, i am made of fail, pimping, argh

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Comments 2

groolover January 25 2011, 17:03:11 UTC
*shakes head in disbelief at your mother AGAIN*


arkeiryn January 26 2011, 17:27:17 UTC
Second fic linked? Awesome ^_^ I loved it. Don't get me wrong, the first one was also good, but... ^_^

And your mum kind of fails :S


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