Myers-Briggs Headcanon

Jun 25, 2015 08:06

-Was all set to crack my knuckles and get some creepy porn down, but then I got caught up in a thread about Myers-Briggs personalities. After much study, I thought, "I wonder if Tomax and Xamot have definable personalities matching one of these?" Then I realized that I had made Tomax an obvious ENTJ. Xamot was more difficult to figure out, but I ( Read more... )

xamot, weather, tomax, psychology, fandom

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Comments 1

weather anonymous June 29 2015, 03:37:26 UTC
they were fairly wrong about the 28th - was sunny most of the day. 30th will be dry as well. 10-day forecasts are like Obama's opinions - subject to frequent change. Even the twins agree with that :)


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