
Mar 26, 2018 12:29

Hi, now I have internet so you people will never be rid of me again. Also it'll take me like 2 weeks to catch up on all your posts. <3


friends, future, update

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Comments 13

ahunter3 March 27 2018, 17:32:12 UTC
Hey! I remember that name! Will watch for your posts.


wyndie March 30 2018, 01:33:46 UTC
OMG! I logged on randomly and here you are! I miss you! I hope you are doing well!


free_of_whip March 30 2018, 19:03:00 UTC
Oh, and for the record, if you join Dreamwidth, you can allow it to import all your old LiveJournal entries, and to cross-post all your new Dreamwidth entries over here. A lot of us do that, which means we continue to have entries here, but may not read over here as often as we once did.


rose_cat June 6 2018, 08:02:09 UTC
I had an unpleasant surprise when I imported: all my video embeds went bad. I think it's because LJ changes the html when you post. (I've known that for a while, since it apparently changes it AGAIN if you edit the post, so when I do that I have to change it back to the original html.) So I'll need to fix all of them :( And goodness knows what else...


rose_cat June 6 2018, 08:06:11 UTC
OH YAY! And thanks for commenting at my LJ; I was wondering where you'd been. Welcome back!

I've set up a Dreamwidth also, but haven't gotten around to learning enough to post and set up crossposts properly (and fix the posts that didn't survive the importing intact :( ). I'll be letting people know when I get it up and running. I'm not leaving here, as I have too many friends who didn't have accounts over there.


anais_pf June 18 2022, 05:28:34 UTC
Promises, promises.


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