sure, unscreen
February 15 2010, 18:44:21 UTC
I really like the thought of anal sex. I've never had it, not counting a bad experience in my teens. But I don't think I'll get to, as I woudln't be comfortable doing it with someone I didn't trust a lot, and I've never been in a sexual relationship that lasted long enough for me to be comfortable asking for things.
It doesn't bug me alot or anything. Sometimes I think it's better this way in any case, because maybe I wouldn't like it anyway and I'd be disappointed.
Unscreen if you like
February 15 2010, 22:37:33 UTC
I've never been in love. I've had crushes, but never on people who felt the same back, and I've never been dizzingly in love or anything. My relationships have all been based on a mutual Eh, What the Hell, You'll Do feeling.
February 16 2010, 11:18:06 UTC
I kind of know it can't really be true, but on quite a lot of levels I honestly and genuinely think that very few other people can possibly have a love and a relationship like ours. We've been together for years, and it's more magical than ever.
Comments 13
It doesn't bug me alot or anything. Sometimes I think it's better this way in any case, because maybe I wouldn't like it anyway and I'd be disappointed.
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