Setting: Abandoned Area a few hours walk outside of Traverse Town
Character(s): Veld Dragoon (
volenteonolente)and Cid Highwind (
Status: [Completed]
Summary: Veld wakes up in a lab and takes a walk. Cid, also walking, meets up with Veld and old man bonding begins.
Completed: Veld and Cid are shopping... no, honest, they are. )
"Shit," he began in a gruff voice, "haven't heard that name in awhile. Yeah, I am. How d'ya know that, though?" Cid had not seen anyone else from his world in...damn, it'd been a long time. He was sure they'd been lost or perhaps found another world to crash course on. At least, he hoped so. Honestly, Cid only wished death on the unfortunate few who pissed him off in unimaginable ways.
...It could be argued, then, that he'd like to rip quite a few holes in quite a few people, but that's not the point.
"You from the--" Cid started again, but stopped. The Planet. It was the missing piece he needed. "Hey, now I remember you!" The pilot bared his teeth but not threateningly. For just a second he was like a puppy that'd just found a big bone to chew on. "Yer from ShinRa? The Turks? Yeah, I remember you. Fucking eons ago, that was ( ... )
"No problem; I'm sure we'll run into him. Again, a lot of people show up in Traverse Town from other worlds. 'Sides, it's a lot better than sitting around bored out of yer fuckin' mind, right?"
Sometimes Cid wondered what he'd do if he didn't have the shop to take care of. ...Usually these scenarios did not start or end pretty. Actually, it wasn't a story any of them would be able to tell their grandchildren. It was very much rated R.
"So yeah. Some clothes for you to wear should be in the room, but we'll find some more tomorrow." Some that fit better...unless Veld likes for his pants to ride low. "If ya need anything're shit out of luck, because I'm headin' home."
He smirked out of the corner of his mouth and lifted a hand. "G'night to ya, Veld."
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