I neglected to post a reminder about this week's theme "Close-up". We only have 2 entries so far, and so we'll go ahead and extend this into Week 227. New deadline is Friday, June 26th @ 11 PM EST.
Also, I've come to a hard decision. For quite some time, I've flirted with the idea of closing this community--well over a year or more, to be honest. The interest just isn't there anymore and frankly, I'd rather end the community in good graces the way it was from the beginning, rather than resort to tactics just to raise numbers. I've tried so many things to encourage more participation, and regardless of scheduling, the hard fact is in reality not many people are making KH icons anymore. It doesn't appear that new titles have inspired any new blood, either.
This community requires a great personal commitment that I have made for over 4 years. I've expressed before that if the interest isn't there, it makes all my time seem less worth it. Frankly I cannot conceive of anything else I can possibly do differently, other than perhaps change some of the principles I have valued for this contest. Honestly, I'd really rather not do that.
After the completion of Week 230,
kh_iconawards will officially be retired. It really pains me to finally end it, but I feel it's for the best. If there is enough interest--and I mean by members PM'ing me or leaving me comments on my icon journal--I will consider re-instating this contest. As for someone else taking over, forgive me, but I feel it better just to retire this community. This has been my project, my brainchild, for so long, I can't see anyone else being in charge. I don't mean to sound vain, and it's no offense to any of the extremely talented artists of this community.
After a while, I may consider re-designing this community into something a little less demanding, but still recognize some of the artists that many have come to respect and admire here. A few years ago, a community existed for "elite" icon makers, where the mod had to invite/approve you to post. I may turn
kh_iconawards into something like that, only for KH icons. Maybe not as haughty as "elite", but still respecting those of you who set the bar for above-average KH icons.
Feel free to comment with your thoughts, but my decision has been made. Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of you--particularly those who have been members since the beginning--for making this icon contest one of the highlights of my Internet days since 2005.
- Orca