My EYK Rant and a Suggestion

Mar 22, 2014 19:43

Ever since that effin EYK tweet was posted, the one thing that had relieved my stress, that brought me a little bit of joy (and some great friendships), has been locked away and removed from my sight ( Read more... )

exo, shinee, snsd, vixx, bigbang, bap, fanfic

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Comments 3

exo_everlasting April 14 2014, 12:15:54 UTC
I'm a little late, since the whole EYK thing is over, but it absolutely BROKE MY HEART that so many authors and COMMUNITIES disappeared because of those idiots! I had JUST found three or four fic exchanges here on LJ and had bookmarked them to go back and read all the glorious ficcage, and they were all deleted!! ALL THAT WONDERFUL EXO just GONE!! I'll never find where it all went, you know? ~pouts~

Anyway...HI!! Thanks for friending me!! (^ω^)


kfangirl4 April 14 2014, 16:16:28 UTC
Yeah, I got so frustrated b/c I need fics to get me thru the days when the world gets too stressful. I've had a love/hate relationship with EYK for a while and this definitely has shifted things more to the negative.

It all gets down to respect - respect for the fandom, respect for the fanfic writers, respect for the idols. And the classless way EYK handled everything showed a lack of respect to all of us.

I'm enjoying your chaptered !wolf fic very much and look forward to reading your archived work.


exo_everlasting April 15 2014, 02:27:34 UTC
OMG, TOTALLY!!! They are so full of themselves and have little to no respect for the fandom! Yeah, I get that they are living the dream and we aren't, but that doesn't make them BETTER than us!! I kinda quit them before this all happened, but now I'm just totally done. I really hope they lost a lot of their fanbase over this - maybe they'll learn a lesson!

I'm SO glad you are enjoying the wolf fic! Hopefully will get it done tonight, as I'm leaving on a little mini-vacay to St. Louis for a few days on Wednesday, and work tomorrow (and pack, and print stuff, and color my hair, and all that stupid little stuff you do before trips!). This is my first fanfic, but I will def be writing more!



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