A Mini Hiatus

May 18, 2009 13:07

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meme, hiatus

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Comments 19

mrs_tubbs May 18 2009, 12:22:24 UTC
Enjoy the break ad this strange thing called Real Life. Looking forward to seeing you on LJ when you're ready to come back. {Hug}


kf_creations June 26 2009, 22:53:42 UTC
Thank you lady. I am back, and thanks for the well wishes {{{{hugs back}}}}


imajrim May 18 2009, 12:56:16 UTC
Well isn't that the prettiest hiatus banner I've seen! You're going away in style. See you soon! *hugs*


kf_creations June 26 2009, 22:54:23 UTC
LOL thanks missy, and well, I am back to paying attention to LJ again *winks*


e_schemer May 18 2009, 13:34:23 UTC
Come back soon! XD


kf_creations June 26 2009, 22:54:50 UTC
Thank you :-) *flowers*


aaania80 May 18 2009, 18:01:15 UTC
i hope you're ok...
wonderful banner, hun!


kf_creations June 26 2009, 22:55:51 UTC
Hello lady. I need to phone you to see how you are! I am back here again, I have missed being part of the place. Hope you are all ok and good. Hugs...

I need to call you or at least PM you...........!!!


ladygisburn May 18 2009, 19:28:34 UTC
Have fun doing just what you want to do ..... but come back soon!!!!


kf_creations June 26 2009, 22:57:05 UTC
Thanks for the words LG *hugs*. I needed some head space from most of LJ for a while. I am back for the most, but will probably still be forgetful to do other stuff on here *bangs head*


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