The Chia Legacy (Generation 1.1)

Mar 29, 2013 20:51

Spouse by Flari

Featuring sims by wooden_badger and boolpropbea!

We were introduced to our founder, alien cyclops Tophilu Chia.
On her quest for love she went to a strip club, got drunk and had a one-night stand whom she promptly forgot about.
She then saw the same one-night stand the next night at a club, tried to seduce him only for him to have more interest in other women (or at the very least a threesome), so she instead went after a fellow alien, Kai (flari).
On their first date she became so clingy-jealous that they got married in Vegas and had lots of sex

We open with the aftermath of the frequent sex, looks like there's a little alien on the way!

And Spencer (wooden_badger), apparently not over being turned down for a threesome is now stalking Tophilu, standing in front of their house mime-punching Kai for "stealing" her.

Spencer: That green douchebag will neve-

Spencer: -OH HELLO DARLING! *Mwah*

He stayed for an hour just standing around then left.


She also waited specifically until she left work to pop.

Nothing interesting happened through her first trimester, but at some point Kai brought Eight August (boolpropbea) back from work.

They didn't really socialise much.

Eight: I thought were were going to watch a movie?

Meanwhile, in the bedroom, Toph went into labour.

Kai: Aw crap, he's not supposed to see my wife's vagina until the seventh visit!

It's a girl!

Tophilu, being in the weird mindset that advertisements are the perfect naming inspiration, was particularly obsessed with the Giga Pudding commercial at the time of birth and so decided to name this baby girl Puddi. Yes, Giga Pudding really is the naming theme this time. Yes I'm stupid.

Eight: I could have sworn there was a baby around here.
Kai: I know, I can't see any babies. Or puddings.

And before you could say "Puddi-Puddi" Toph was knocked up again.

But what's this week's challenge?

Now, Tophilu is the highest earner, but since she's on maternity leave I'll start off by spending the vast majority of the existing money on lawn ornaments.

Have fun trying to walk around those, Kai.

Tophilu: When you think about it, lawn ornaments are just outdoor toys. They're perfectly fine for a baby.

Kai: Ah, you're pregnant! I thought that bump was just leftovers from the previous pregnancy!

Tophilu: I'd like Spencer to father a couple of my children someday.
Kai: He would make beautiful children.

With Kai making barely anything, it was important to focus on skill and aspiration building to get him a promotion. Unfortunately for Tophilu, Kai's a popularity sim meaning that his pre-work aspiration boost meant pestering the hell out of her.

Toph: Ahaha, stop! No seriously, stop. I'm freaking exhausted.

Soon enough it's Puddi's birthday!

She's got Kai's lovely ears.

That are going to be hidden under her hair because I'm starting to run out of hairs already.

And not long after, NEW BABY!


It's a boy!

This time he'll be named Giga.

However, the image I took of him is missing and he wasn't really exciting enough to take any other pictures of until he grew up into a toddler. But let's just say he looks like Puddi.

And also be grateful that both Giga and Puddi were out of the way when the kitchen set on fire.

Honestly, I'm more surprised that the front lawn hasn't burst into flames yet. There's so many lawn ornaments that it's becoming a fire hazard.

The whole "Who is the person spending all their money on gnomes" role keeps changing. At first it was Tophilu, then Kai got a few promotions and started buying them, then Kai quit his job in favour of the law career, since becoming the law is his lifetime want, so now Tophilu is the one buying gnomes again.

Important meetings are important regardless of stroppy wives!


Then he brought a friend home.

A huge TV? You bet we're going to test that one out!

He's also a rather good babysitter.

Workfriend: Hey little girl, you seem like one with an eye for entertainment. Would you mind trying out our new range of high-tech doll houses?

I might as well just use the same popping images, shouldn't I?

But because not much else happened as usual, it's a very special double birthday!

First Giga.

These alien genetics are bringing some rather strange looking toddlers, but that said I shouldn't be surprised.

Then Puddi.


That look of confused disappointment is actually very fitting considering she ages pretty badly.

Now before we finish this update, gnome count?

How the hell anyone was actually able to leave this house is beyond me.



sims 2, chia legacy, pixel_trade

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