Title: Into Your World Genre: Angst, Romance, Angel & Snow White AU Pairing: Kris/OC Other Characters: some INFINITE and EXO members, OC. Word Count: 1423
I thought it was Sunggyu calling her in her dreams! :3 Wait, it's not even a dream~ tengene parang nakakainlovesi Kris dun sa mga sinasabi niya kay Hana nung nakatago sya! hahahaha! lagi na lang perfect si kris, hmp! loljks XD Wait, she's dreaming, isn't she?? lkshdoislk Ugh naiinis ako kay Seobyul! hahahaha! OMG OMG CHAPTER SEVEN PLEAAAASSSEEE
Okay, since Chanyeol's with you maybe Kris....... /wiggles eyebrows and clings to Kris/ hihihi :"> SUHO JUST SHUT UP.
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Okay, since Chanyeol's with you maybe Kris....... /wiggles eyebrows and clings to Kris/ hihihi :">
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