Jun 01, 2005 21:43
y is it that i cant show emotions??
i forced myself not to cry tonight
i think its because thats the way im stereotyped
and i feel that if i do show emotions
people will never let it go
it will be "aww even kiersten cried in that movie!!" "wht kiersten cried??"
like wtf!!!
y am i so paranoid of showing emotions???
when i tell ppl that im crying their like
"aww im so sorry i never thought u would cry!"
i was holding in my tears tonight
becuz im supposed to be the tough one
the one who doesnt care and doesnt cry
im supposed to be spike the emotionless, hurtful, heartless bitch!
but thats not who i am
and i dont want to be that person anymore!!
i want to be me!
someone whose tough but kind and nice
someone who can do wht she wants and not be yelled at or madfe fun of
i want to be free of all thats happened this year
well most things:$
i dont want this stereotype any longer
im officially killing spike and blooming into a new person
it may be hard but its wht im set to do
no more hitting ppl (for no reason)
no more keeping emotions inside
no more beatin ppl up for no reason!!
make sure i stick to these rules!!!!
je vous aime!