How do you make an MP3?

Aug 22, 2009 22:09

I consider myself as tech-savvy as I need to be to survive. I do e-mail. Website. Blog. Facebook. Digital image manipulation.  All the usual stuff.

Yesterday, I was stymied.

My short story, "She Shall Have Music" has been accepted for a Podcast anthology, Theme and Variations. The editor is Michelle Welch. She's planning to podcast it, and then make an audio CD to distribute at World Fantasy Con. (This is the same story that's been accepted for the print anthology Cheer Up, Universe.)

All this sounds wonderful, and I'm honored to be in it. The only problem is they need an MP3 file of my story (with any incidental music); and I have no clue as to how this is done.

Michelle's been very helpful, with a step-by-step list of instructions.  She also included a reference to Podcasting for Dummies. If they have it at my local bookstore, it's mine. I hope it starts with 'First, buy a microphone.' Meanwhile I've called on various friends who are better informed than I.

I still don't know if that will yield an MP3, but something had better work. The deadline is mid-September.


ETA: Podcasting for Dummies acquired, Borders' last copy. (Independent store nearby didn't have it.) Audacity downloaded. Text marked up for reading. Now confusing myself with mic options. Someone is suggesting a digital recorder (which I posess) but not sure about sound quality. Sounded a bit hissy.

ETA 2: Mic acquired. On advice of Knowledgeable Friend, picked up a Logitech USB Desktop Microphone. Plugged it in, started up Audacity. OMG! This thing works!  Play with my new toy for 30 minutes.

ETA3: Did a test recording. Why am I always surprised by how I sound in recordings? Glass of water and try again.

anthology, podcast, michelle welch, recording, mp3, theme and variations

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