Stamped: Tomoya Okazaki//Storyline Theme

Mar 10, 2008 23:11

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Name: Eerik
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Talents? Hobbies?: I don't know much about my talents, but I tell all that I know. At first I'm pretty wise and I have remarkable memory when it comes to history. Of course then there's always my odd humour, but I don't know is that really a talent... some people laugh their asses off. I'm kinda a helping guy if you count that as a talent. My hobbies are anime and manga, but also strategy games, walking, astronomy and fishing at the summer.

The Past

Describe your childhood: Well as far as I remember it was quite normal. I had two sisters, grandpa and my parents living at the same house. There were not any threads to my childhood. We had (have) normal income and that kind of stuff... so... happy childhood. I was at the time very wild child and got myself in a various trouble. But I was always shy too and I transfered schools when I was 11 (damn the government's policy).
What is your favorite childhood memory?: Well there are many but at least now in my mind are being with my dogs and once when I went to swim with my best friend at that time.
Did you have a favorite toy when you were little? If so, what was it?: Yes I had/have. It was a stuffed panda. It's still here. I called it Tao-Tao since there was a TV show telling about panda. Hugging that panda still makes me somehow... nostalgic and happy.
Did/Do you collect something? (For example- stamps, cars, dolls...): Well I used to collect stamps and tincans.. nowadays only anime or manga. But still if I find some kind of interesting stone I pick it up.

Describe a memorable...
Joyous Event: It was always when we had a new dog.
Emotional Event: well I don't kinda remember... but once as a child I fell down and hurted my knee and my dog came next to me to see what happened.
Exciting Event: First time when I was at the airplane traveling to Greece.
Scary Event: When I breathed smoke. I was scarred to death that I die since I knew that it was dangerous to breath it. But I was a kid back then.
Regretful Event: Time when I went to the confirmation... I would never ever do that again.
Tragic Event: Oh this is gonna break me at tears... It was 4 years ago when I came back from the school and it was raining. And I saw my dog lying on the ground and not moving. When I approached he just looked at me and didn't moved a muscle. But he was still alive. Finally he had to be terminated by a shotgun. TERRIBLE!!!
Out-of-the-ordinary Event: Every school day when I say something. You never expect what I say next. And once when I was walking at the forest three elks ran away from me when I was about 10 meters away from them.
Life-Changing Event: Going in the high school... but I don't know that was it a good idea afetr all.

The Present

How do you think others view you?: Very weird person. Quiet and rude but only when I'm being approached. I try to keep low profile.
What makes you stand out from other people?: (I don't know did I understand this right) I would say that I rely on the old wisdom that when you are weak act like you were strong and when you are strong act like you were weak.

How do you view your family? Describe it's current situation: Well my family has shrinked since the old days.. both sis' have leaved and grandpa is dead. It's just me and my parent. I hate my father and one of my sisters. They are rude and mean. I like my mom and the onter sister. I often like to be with my grandma when I visit her. Otherwise I'm quite distant with my family.
How do you view your friends? Describe it's current situation: Well I don't have many. Just two in here and two on the online. But I would say that they are very impertant to me. But I have still long way to "very good friend" part.
What are your views on love?: Well love is wonderful thing but also very dangerous if you love too much. Love really is blind when you fall on someone. It makes you feel good and you only wish that the other feels the same. Relationship where both love each other is the ideal goal.
What are your views on life in general?: Life is like a box chocolate. Okay not really... I born, you go to school, you work (if you're lucky), you die and then you ascend. You only live once at your current body.

Who are your role models? Why?: The are none. I haven't really been interested of having one.
What is something that you feel passionately about?: Every time I read manga or history. It just makes me so excited.

The Future

What are your dreams or goals?: To get in the university and become a magister artium. And after that hopefully a job. Also girlfriend would be nice.
What is one thing that you would change about yourself?: Well not being so selfish.
What is one thing that you would change about about the world?: The shape of the continents and weather.
Describe your ideal happy ending: Live with someone and love her/him and to have own house and good job.


What is your favorite fairytale?: All dogs go to heaven.. it's just so good!
Do you agree with your regular stamp? Explain the reasons why/why not?: Well mostly but idea of being a perfect visual novel male character makes me feel uneasy. But mostly yes.
Post your favorite quote/motto/lyrics: Trust no one.
Describe a special place of yours: Hmmmm... maybe forrest or then our doghouse.
Anything else?: Noup.

!theme storyline, storyline- yuuichi aizawa

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