SPN FIC: The Hours

Aug 08, 2012 10:52

Title: The Hours
Characters: Sam, Dean, mentions of Hallucifer
Word Count: 3,572
Warnings: Dean drops some F-bombs
Spoiler Alert: Takes place vaguely in S7, after "Death's Door" but before "Repo Men."
Summary: Written for ladybastet92's prompt over at the ohsam comment meme. 
A/N: Unbeta'd because I told myself I was too busy to fic and then did it anyway.

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supernatural, sammich, classy, i majored in english can you tell?, fic, geekiness, deen

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Comments 33

debbiel66 August 8 2012, 16:02:24 UTC
I read this as slowly as I possibly could because I didn't want it to end! Absolutely perfect, each and every word, and it reminded me how much I adore fic about this show...it's been a while!

Please keep writing - I love your stories. ♥


kettle_o_fish August 8 2012, 18:51:21 UTC
I feel like we've reached the slow part of hellatus, lol. I get soooo excited over new fic these days. I'm so glad this was worth savoring! <3


harrigan August 8 2012, 16:21:07 UTC
... what debbiel66 said! Goes for me, too: 100% !!!


kettle_o_fish August 9 2012, 13:51:50 UTC
Yaaay! Thanks!


mimblexwimble August 8 2012, 16:56:11 UTC
This is absolutely gorgeous. Like Debbie, I read this as slowly as I could, but it still didn't last as long as I wish it had. Your prose is magnificent! Thank you for sharing.


kettle_o_fish August 9 2012, 13:52:11 UTC
*blush* Thank you! Thank you so much for reading!


quickreaver August 8 2012, 17:24:36 UTC
I read it slowly too! Isn't that funny? I wanted to catch every damned word. I loved the symmetry of Sam holding and not letting go, then Dean holding and not letting go. I loved the details of the mine; you felt there. I loved the word "Morningstar." I loved the passage "The tension of the past sixteen hours is leaving Dean like sand escaping a cut bag."

Let's just say I loved this whole thing, okay?


kettle_o_fish August 9 2012, 13:57:39 UTC
I almost didn't even add the sandbag line. It was like, one of the last things I added. ><

OH, AND I STARTED WATCHING CARNIVALE. I didn't know Tim DeKay and Clea DuVall were in it! Eeee!


quickreaver August 9 2012, 15:44:09 UTC
FINALLY! You will love it. Draw hearts around it in your notebook, I promise. :D


(The comment has been removed)

kettle_o_fish August 9 2012, 14:02:32 UTC
Yeeeah, I just picked a hospital I knew was in Fayette and kiiiinda near Monarch. The only other one I could think of was Frick and I visited Owen's grandma there once and I was horrified. And I didn't want to send him to Latrobe because I once dated an EMT who said, and I quote, "I wouldn't even take a dying dog to that ER," and after my own dealings with said ER, I'm inclined to agree.

Let's...just assume he gets transferred to Pittsburgh or something. I considered life flighting him...but I don't think he's THAT badly hurt...all things considered. This is me being nice to Sammy: hurt, but not THAT hurt.


I know! I know, I knew I was going to get it for posting this before that, but comment fic has an expiration date!


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