SPN FIC: Legos we Have Known

May 27, 2011 14:56

Title: Legos we Have Known
Characters: Sam, Dean, Bobby
Word count: 990
Summary: Coda to 6.22., sequel to “…and God has Turned his Back.”
Warnings: alcoholic!Dean, Sam!POV, angst
Disclaimer:Not my sandbox.
Notes: Two things: 1. I DID IT. I WHUMPED DEAN. 2. This is part 2 of a 3-part season 6 coda tentatively called The Lost Summer Trilogy.

This is the clearest Sam has been thinking in weeks. That's saying alot. )

sammich, drunk talk, fandom, fic, deen, supernatural, yes please moar, geekiness, tv rots your brain

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Comments 8

si_star_x May 27 2011, 19:06:34 UTC
Thank you for suitably breaking my heart :)


kettle_o_fish May 27 2011, 19:14:39 UTC
You're welcome! <3 Dean!POV is next. :)


honeylocusttree May 27 2011, 21:20:28 UTC
I enjoyed that. I couldn't track down the previous part, though, alas. But I like stories that realistically deal with the impacts of alcoholism. And of course Sam's stutter. I would read more of this, happily. <3


kettle_o_fish May 27 2011, 21:28:11 UTC
Yay! I'm glad you enjoyed!

Here's the first part. It's shorter. I wasn't sure where I was going initially.


I've been slacking at updating my links lately. Lol.


emmram May 28 2011, 03:31:50 UTC
YAY! This was brilliant. Suitably heart-breaking without over-indulging in the situation. If... you know what I mean.

I loved the little flashback in betwee, I loved LOVED that despite everything in Sam's headspace that threatens to consume him, he still breaks out of it to care for his brother. YES.

Looking forward to more! <3


kettle_o_fish May 28 2011, 14:46:52 UTC
Eee! There will be more! Eventually.

Sam is just...yeah. I think it helps that he knows how screwed up he is. Dean doesn't really see his problems for what they are yet. He knows they are there, but he can't articulate them. Maybe they aren't even problems, they're just Dean. And Dean doesn't like change. We've seen time and again, Dean doesn't adapt well to change and Sam, while he fumbles through it, eventually gets to the light at the end of the tunnel.

Sam, understandably, has a problem with Dean's rationale. :)


roque_clasique July 23 2011, 20:56:48 UTC
Whoa, this was really amazing, and concise, and condensed, and powerful. I loved it.


kettle_o_fish July 26 2011, 01:50:49 UTC
Aw, thank you! I'm glad!


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