SPN FIC: Serenity

Jan 31, 2011 17:58

Title: Serenity
Author: radiumgirl
Rating: PG-13 for language and adult!situations (not porn, sorry)
Genre/pairing: Gen, H/C, angst
Characters: Sam, Dean
Summary:  Sam and Dean both have a drinking problem. Each one drinks for different reasons. Each one stops (or doesn't) for different reasons. 
Spoilers: season 6
Warnings: Angst. Possibly triggery subject matter ( Read more... )

supernatural, sammich, get crunk, fandom, writing, fic, geekiness

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Comments 42

greeneyes_fan February 1 2011, 01:33:07 UTC
Oooh, creepy.


kettle_o_fish February 1 2011, 03:30:38 UTC
Thank you! XD


vail_kagami February 1 2011, 05:25:00 UTC
That was beyond awesome. I really wish there had been more of it. It's a difficult topic, and you handled it perfectly.

Somehow, Dean and his inability to see break my heart. (While at the same time I can't help but wonder how much of that is willful blindness.)


kettle_o_fish February 1 2011, 10:59:16 UTC
Somehow, Dean and his inability to see break my heart. (While at the same time I can't help but wonder how much of that is willful blindness.)

Me too. It's one of my favorite flavors of Dean. I think alot of his blindness is willful where Sam is concerned. I think he's legitimately shocked and hurt every single time something happens to show him that the Sam in the real world doesn't always match that ideal image he has in his head.


hidden_easel February 1 2011, 06:53:40 UTC
really enjoyed this~! Will there be more?


kettle_o_fish February 1 2011, 11:00:19 UTC
Possibly! I don't have any plans right this minute, but I hesitate to say "never" because I have no idea where my brain will be next week.


roque_clasique February 1 2011, 07:37:03 UTC
Yikes. Bleak and fascinating. Excellent!


kettle_o_fish February 1 2011, 11:00:44 UTC
Thank you!


ceedeeandco February 1 2011, 13:42:09 UTC
Uurrrggghhh. Sam? Get a stronger antipsychotic. It will put you into at *least* as much of a stupor as alcohol, the spiders will shut up, and you can save money. (My sister was on Depakote for a while and can't remember most of that year.)


kettle_o_fish February 1 2011, 14:27:36 UTC
Yeah. Sammy? Sweetie? Listen to reason. Please?


My sister was on Depakote for a while and can't remember most of that year.

Yeeeah. My one BFFs mom is on it. He and I have been friends for like, five years now, and sometimes I still have to introduce myself to her when I visit. :/


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