SPN FIC: A Lullaby for the Boys We Used to Be

Jan 19, 2011 20:40

Title: A Lullaby for the Boys We Used to Be
Spoilers: season 6
Genre: AU
Summary: In which Dean is a pathetic drunk, Sam’s still got his back, and Bobby just wants to go to bed.
Warnings: Spoilers and speculation for Season 6, broken!Sam, emo!Dean. Straying dangerously close to curtain!fic territory.
Disclaimer: Not my sandbox.
Author’s Note: This is ( Read more... )

you're confusing reality with fandom aga, sammich, fandom, fic, supernatural, i majored in english can you tell?, geekiness, pimping

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Comments 10

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kettle_o_fish January 20 2011, 13:11:55 UTC
Yay! Thank you, darling!

People falling asleep on other people is one of those things that just makes me go *puddle.* I do it myself all the time. One of my friends once said, "You give Mary a blanket and a warm body to snuggle and she can fall asleep anywhere."

Sad but true.


wishflthinkr January 20 2011, 03:50:26 UTC
Agh, good lord. Every time. Sammy!


kettle_o_fish January 20 2011, 13:17:03 UTC
It's true. He's too precious for this world. *tear*


thinlizzy2 January 20 2011, 09:25:48 UTC
Okay, so you know the whole Samgirl and Deangirl thing? I'm a Bobbygirl. And when he's all snarky and RIGHT like this, I just wanna screw him into the mattress.

Probably not the reaction you were hoping to evoke, huh? But I do love your Bobby; please write more of him!


kettle_o_fish January 20 2011, 13:27:41 UTC
Bobby is FIERCE. (I'd possibly be all about screwing him into the mattress too, if Jim Beaver didn't bear a striking resemblence to my Uncle Dale) I love hiiiiim. I'm glad he came across to your liking though! I was worried. Human!Cas and EL DEAN-O appear to be my favorite flavors of POV to write in (even though I'm a total unrepentant Samgirl) and I wanted to branch out.

I'm sure there will be more Bobby in the future! I've decided that he's really quite fun to write because he don't take no crap. I'm also interested in exploring what kind of relationship he has with this new Sam.


si_star_x March 10 2011, 23:02:50 UTC
Sam’s baby monitor... I just died a little inside right there.

I loved this one. I do have a thing for drunk!Dean, and when you mix it up with your gorgeously de-curtained Sam, it was just lovely. Heartbreaking, but lovely.


kettle_o_fish March 11 2011, 01:42:00 UTC
Aww, thank you! Í'm glad Sam works for you! I worry about him. <3


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kettle_o_fish March 21 2011, 10:18:47 UTC
Poor Bobby. Hehe. Much how you prefer your Dean to canon!Dean...I prefer my Bobby to canon!Bobby.


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