outing myself >_>

Jul 30, 2009 23:18

I figured, what the hell, it's not like I'll ever write anything like this again, probably. 
I confess; I participated on the kink meme, and I figured for those who are interested - enjoy The Time Ketita Wrote Porn.  Feel free to laugh at the fail (and there probably is some fail here), as I admit that this is not exactly something I'm used to writing.

Title: untitled
Author: ketita
Rating: NC-17 (wow, never thought I'd reach it!)
Notes: Written for the Hei/Ed crossdressing prompt.  I can also say I never thought I'd write crossdressing? But many thanks to the anon who requested it, because it was fun to write. Very fun. Still, unbetae'd because I was too nervous.
Words: 598

When Alfons first came up with the idea of getting Edward into a dress, he entertained vague fantasies of Edward being bashful and timid (rather like a girl, actually), pressed up against the wall, his hair out of its ever-present ponytail and falling gently around his shoulders. He had imagined running his hands up under the skirt to cup his ass, and his stomach did strange flips inside him when he thought of Edward in delicate panties.

Obviously, he had miscalculated grossly.

Coaxing Edward into the dress - pink and rather frilly - had been significantly easier than he had imagined, because apparently Edward had no shame. With a philosophical shrug Edward had donned everything Alfons had asked, with none of the charming blushing Alfons had hoped for. He also hadn't taken into account the fact that the dress fit Edward about as well as it would fit a tree-trunk, and made him look neither soft nor feminine. In fact, he looked somewhat mundanely like plain old everyday Edward wearing a dress, which tented out weirdly in front where his erection jutted out.

There had been some vague plan of ravishing Edward, Alfons remembered, gulping around a too-dry throat, lightheaded from lack of oxygen. A plan that was immediately thrown out the window, because come to think of it, had he really expected a dress of all things to keep Edward from tying his wrists to the headboard and having his way with him?

From this angle, watching Edward's head bob over his erection, his unbound hair tickling Alfons's thighs, the pink fabric of the skirt spilling everywhere, he could sort of pretend that Edward's maleness was concealed - though the thought was hard to hold on to, with how Edward sucked him in almost to the base of his cock and hummed, making Alfons's entire body jerk with the vibrations. Also, he had a suspicion (not that he was sure, having no real experience with girls) that a girl would not be pushing fingers up inside him while she gave him a blow job. Then Edward quirked his fingers, brushing right there, once, twice, and Alfons snapped taut on a wail, contemplation of Edward's girliness (or lack thereof) forgotten.

He lay spent, watching Edward jerk off. His hand moved efficiently under his skirt, a smug smile on his face, eyes not moving from Alfons's.

"Well?” Edward asked, after untying Alfons' wrists. “Did you like it?”

It had been quite nice, as a matter of fact, but... "I'm not sure you quite got the idea, actually,” Alfons replied honestly. Edward huffed and crossed his arms, the material pulling taut across his shoulders, and bunching strangely at the chest.

"You just said you wanted me to put on the dress. How about you put on the stupid dress and show me what I'm supposed to do, if you're not happy?”

That was sort of cute, Alfons thought, but then when Edward got insulted he was usually pretty cute, dress or no dress.

"If I put on the dress...” He imagined showing Edward what should be done while wearing a dress, thought of Edward bending him over the kitchen table and fucking him, of blushing furiously while Edward did creative things with his tongue and fingers... which was pretty much the sort of thing he and Edward did most of the time, without the benefit of female clothing. He sighed.

"What?” said Edward, suspiciously.


"Hey, you can't do that! Alfons, you - come back here and explain yourself! What the hell was I supposed to do with the dress? Alfons!”

fanfic, fullmetal alchemist, edward/alfons

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