shut the fuck up I have a cute nephew

Oct 03, 2013 04:29

I realized halfway through processing these that I was using the wrong border--the one I usually use to give clients their photos/proofs. It's big enough to be FB appropriate but not big enough to make decent prints lmao. It's my way of satisfying their social networking needs while also forcing them to come back to me for prints because I hold the ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

wunderaliceland October 3 2013, 11:16:47 UTC
What a goob! So cute!


mordere October 4 2013, 05:39:25 UTC
1. I upload on Flickr. You can set stuff to private, and then grab the file info to link on LJ or whatever.

2. I saw that shirt at Target and wanted to buy it for my nephew, but I don't know how big he is now.

3. This kid. I could only think he was cuter if he was like, related to me.

4. My nephew is visiting next month. I am DYING OF EXCITEMENT.


ketene October 4 2013, 06:54:10 UTC
haha nephews are the best =D

the thing about Flickr is that like, is there a way to copy the html code without opening each individual picture? Cause I really like the way Photobucket is laid out where you can just be on one page with all the thumbnails. It's a lot faster.


mordere October 4 2013, 07:01:03 UTC
Nope. Downside. And if it's private, I don't think you can share the photo using the HTML code provided, you have to grab the jpg info and write your own img code for each one.


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