So, today I managed to leave the house for an extended period. Not entirely fulfilling because it was a nasty overcast, sticky, sweaty sort of day - but still.
I went to Sutton Courtenay, which has a nice medieval church with a Norman tower and an odd Tudor porch:
Disappointingly it was locked, despite the organist being inside it, practising, so I need to go again.
Still, I visited the graveyard, which features a famous gravestone:
Erm, it is a famous person, honest. I would like to claim that it is my fever that accounts for you not being able to read the name on it, but the truth is I simply didn't notice what the rose was hiding. The hidden word is 'Blair' and the chap lying under the rose bush is George Orwell, who didn't live to see 1984, bless him.
And finally a bit of randomosity. I went to Chester last weekend, and could not resist this sign for the 'Chester Wind Band':
And on my way home I passed through Slough station where, as I have mentioned before, you will find a stuffed dog in a case. And this time I was on the right platform to take a photo:
Ignore the local fauna in the foreground and concentrate on the case behind. This is Station Jim, who died in 1896. He used to wander the station collecting pennies for the Great Western Widows and Orphans Fund in that little carry bag, and when he died they stuffed him and set him up in a glass case so he could keep on collecting.
*collapses exhausted to eat grapes*