
Jun 26, 2016 18:31

Well I was talking with someone I've known online for a long time yesterday, and realised that I haven't been on here in ages, and probably am not going to come back here regularly again. Which is sad! I met a lot (a lot!) of people here who are still good friends, but it's not a part of my internet life like it used to be ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

emperor June 26 2016, 21:51:18 UTC
Aw :(


kerrypolka June 26 2016, 22:06:11 UTC
I know :( ♥


braisedbywolves June 27 2016, 09:57:37 UTC
Aw, that's a shame, but your words are your words. Hope to see you soon - my girlfriend is now coming to the conclusion that my entire social circle in engaged is a mass delusion about Ewan's imaginary wife!


lareinenoire June 29 2016, 14:06:43 UTC
Ah, well, I'm able to catch you on Twitter/Tumblr. I don't post here especially often, but I find it useful for stuff that I don't want to trumpet to the world but still prefer my older close friends to know.


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