2011 Writing Round Up/2012 Goals

Jan 01, 2012 12:12

Final Word Count 2011: 430,050!!!
Number of Days I Wrote Something: 365!!!Can I take a moment to OMG myself! My goal for 2011 was 350,000 words, which was already nearly 100,000 over last year and tbh, at the time I made it, I thought I was *insane* and would never reach it (I'm still fairly certain I'm insane!) but goals are supposed to challenge ( Read more... )

personal: goals, writing: general

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Comments 16

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kerry_louise January 2 2012, 09:47:09 UTC
Thanks! *squishes*


kristen_mara January 2 2012, 02:43:50 UTC

That amount of words AND every single day TOO... You're a paragon of virtue, you are, and deservedly so *G*

More plotty stuff will be great, but the other is still welcome! And there are still certain fics (at *least* three) that I'm still poking you about.

Congratulations and onwards ;)


kerry_louise January 2 2012, 09:48:02 UTC
I am fairly sure I've never been called a paragon of virtue before - not ever, lol!

Yes, yes I know... hang on, three? mpreg... torchwood/primeval crossover... what's number three?!


kristen_mara January 2 2012, 10:43:49 UTC

////I am fairly sure I've never been called a paragon of virtue before - not ever, lol!////

Never? I am shocked. Shocked, I tell you!!

////Yes, yes I know... hang on, three? mpreg... torchwood/primeval crossover... what's number three?!////

Crypt Keeper, especially after the essential ingredients you promised me are included *BG*

And I'm sure there are more.



planetkiller January 13 2012, 07:43:24 UTC
I love these things because they let me know what I've missed during the year. And I can't believe I missed *TWO* new Kav stories! Off to read immediately.


kerry_louise January 13 2012, 09:38:30 UTC
LOL! Tut, shame on you ;)


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