Open letter to Livejournal

Jan 03, 2013 20:37

Today I got my offical note from Livejournal, that my paid account had expired. And since they wrote "If you have any questions or requests, please contact us by replying to this email. We want to keep you happy. :)" I send them the following reply:

Dear Livejournal ( Read more... )


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Comments 26

cat_o_wen January 3 2013, 20:05:30 UTC
Well said!! And I could not agree more!! I won't leave LJ entirely either as I still prefer posting here over all other social media and I can customize both my account and my entries in ways that I can't on those other networks either. But a lot of my friends on here have abandoned LJ this past year, so comments are becoming fewer and farther in between, which is sad too.

Cheers for writing LJ! I doubt you'll get a response either.


kerrsmith2306 January 3 2013, 23:24:53 UTC
I don't expect a response, but that sentence
"If you have any questions or requests, please contact us by replying to this email. We want to keep you happy."
really angered me. They haven't tried to keep us happy in a long time, why start only because I am stopping sending money?


nverland January 3 2013, 20:06:14 UTC
I've got both a permanent account and a free one. the difference is in the amount of icons and a few little things, but not enough to make putting up with the messes they keep having to pay them for


kerrsmith2306 January 3 2013, 23:23:27 UTC
Exactly. Plus you can see the "friendsoffriends" page and the site statistics, but honestly... I never checked the friendsoffriends page and what use is a site statistic for me if the traffic is going downhill since 2010.


sagaluthien January 3 2013, 20:09:34 UTC
I so agree with you. I would have thought of to send a similar reply as my paid account expires today (or if it is one or two days later if they decided to compensate for those days you could not get in). I so decided to not renew the paid account and will be satisfied with the normal.

It will be really interesting if they reply and if they do please tell.... as you do get curious. If they don't show probably that they will not listen or care for their users.


kerrsmith2306 January 3 2013, 23:22:18 UTC
I don't really think I'll get a reply, but if I do I'll post it here.


endlessdeep January 3 2013, 20:41:03 UTC
They can do as much cosmetic make over to LJ as they want to try to bring in new customers, but if they don't fix the site so that it actually works that is not going to happen.


kerrsmith2306 January 3 2013, 23:21:23 UTC
Exactly. Plus they need to get in touch with their user base again. During the last couple days there were no status updates via Twitter, nor via Facebook, the status page wasn't update and if you tried to get in touch with them no one answered.


jussy_baby January 3 2013, 20:41:04 UTC
Wär das ne Petition, würd ich unterschreiben. Geht mir sowas von auf den Keks, dass die Änderungen vornehmen, alle diese Ideen hassen wie die Pest, die aber keinen Millimeter auf die User zugehen oder was erklären. Und diese ständigen Bugs und Änderungen, die das LJ im Ganzen verzögern, nerven so dermaßen. :(


kerrsmith2306 January 3 2013, 23:20:08 UTC
Es ist wirklich unfassbar, die kümmern sich eigentlich überhaupt nicht mehr um ihre Nutzer. Weder über Twitter, noch über Facebook bekam man während der letzten DDOS Attacke mal einen vernünftigen Statusbericht. Und lt. meiner Fliste waren die russischen LJ Seiten problemlos aufzurufen. Nur die USA/Westeuropa Seiten hatten starke Probleme. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.


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