TITLE: Magical Girls
kerkevik_2014 FANDOM: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (post-series)
PAIRING: Kennedy/Willow
PROMPT: Kennedy/Willow - Magical Girls -
requested by
clarahow RATING: PG
"That was magic!"
Kenn never said that, after the first time; it was, but she thanked Willow's dead girlfriend for that in her head. Woman must have been a black belt between the sheets.
Black Wand?
She had thoughts like that; helped get over the couple of minutes Will needed to get over feeling like a cheater.
Patience; never her major strength, but she figured Will needed time to get over that painful hurdle, so she tried.
Sooner than she usually did, Will turned over and kissed Kennedy on the temple.
"That was magical, baby."
Kenn felt fit to burst.
Goddess watch over us all,
Kerk TehKek