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Comments 73

marciaelena June 27 2012, 16:33:36 UTC
Yay, we did it!!! <3

I loved your story and I'm so happy I was lucky enough to pick it. Working with you was great. I just wish I'd had time to make a couple more pieces for you, there were so many scenes I wanted to illustrate.


kerfuffling June 27 2012, 17:44:59 UTC
bb, you went above and beyond what i expected. your art is spectacular :) i am so proud of us!


marciaelena June 27 2012, 17:50:10 UTC

I'm proud of us too. <3


homo_pink June 27 2012, 20:11:59 UTC
holy. crap.

this is by far one of the most gorgeous pieces i've ever read. i hate to be one of those "i never read ______, but.." people, but there's no two ways about it. i honestly don't read mpreg. no exceptions because an author is a good friend, no "well, maybe if it's not too descriptive", no. nothing. it doesn't bother me, not much does really. i just, don't read it. no real reason.


the summary was enough to pique my interests as i love a good zombie-ANYTHING. and the title was awesome, the ART was beyond gorgeous and after only getting a few sentences in, i was hooked ( ... )


homo_pink June 27 2012, 21:34:57 UTC
oh my lord, your review is, like, the best pick-me-up ever. dude, i was smiling SO HARD while i read it. thank you SO much.

mpreg is a stigma in any fandom, but i have a soft spot for it. the only bad thing is i'm really picky, and i hate things to be mushy, so when my idea for a j2 fic fell through for this round of big bang, somehow this is what came to mind. i have no idea why. but, tangent aside, practically the biggest compliment i can be paid is that my fic was good enough to have someone step outside of their comfort zone and read it and actually like it. so thank you :)

again, thank you so much. i am so happy you liked it, gritty sam and zombies and un-neat ending and all. :) <3


kerfuffling June 27 2012, 21:35:56 UTC
and that was me. i signed out to make sure my fic was properly unlocked and forgot to sign back in HAHA. i'm stupid


homo_pink June 27 2012, 22:22:32 UTC
oh, that makes me so happy! i'm glad :)

because i honest to god Chuck, had one of these moments:

... )


meesasometimes June 27 2012, 20:28:07 UTC
this was an absolute wonderful read! I loved it! It just kept surprising me and delighting me and I can't give you enough praise for that. I love that you just slid mpreg into the middle of a zombie apocalypse, I should have know that it would be right up my alley. You couldn't get knotting into it too? ;P

thank you!!!


kerfuffling June 27 2012, 21:37:03 UTC
haha, i should definitely have tried for knotting, though i'm not sure i could have done it justice! it definitely wouldn't have made my fic any weirder. and with a fandom like supernatural, how could i NOT stage a mpreg in the middle of a zombie apocalypse?

thank you for reading, bb, and for the comment!!


ephemerall June 27 2012, 20:51:44 UTC


kerfuffling June 27 2012, 21:37:35 UTC
thank you SO. MUCH. i'm so happy you like :))))


ephemerall June 27 2012, 22:27:53 UTC
I have an affinity for MPREG fic that involve cutting the baby out, as weird as that sounds...


kerfuffling June 27 2012, 22:32:11 UTC
mpreg with honest to god ass-birth freaks me out. so when i write mpreg, it's c-section or bust. so, no, you are NOT weird. i'm the one writing mpreg without giving the men a natural way to birth their babies


mznaughty01 June 28 2012, 01:36:27 UTC
You combined two of my favorite subjects - mpreg & zombies! No, wait, scratch that because it's completely wrong. You combined three of my favorite subjects - mpreg, zombies & Sam/Dean (cause Sam/Dean is always a win in my book)!

This fic was awesome. Well thought out characters with believable reactions in their almost hopeless situation.

Thanks for sharing!


kerfuffling June 28 2012, 10:30:56 UTC
well, thank you for reading! and when i had a plot bunny to combine zombies and mpreg, i couldn't not go through with it. sam/dean, zombies, and mpreg are on my list of favorites too :)


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