Title: The Other
KeppiehedRating: PG
Warnings: adult themes
Word Count: 273
Prompts: Compulsory Prompt: That despairing feeling when the bus pulls away from the stop when you’re a street away. Additional bonus Prompt: Disillusionment
A/N: Written for week #2 at
The Other )
Comments 9
Oh Keps. this is so SAD, and so ... hopeless? I do not LIKE it, though I do so very much appreciate the lovely metaphors and patterns you have woven with your words. I do NOT like this sadness. it is permeating everything. You have written such a lovely piece, but it is very close to home... too close, and needs a tissue or six? Thanks love, but oh I do want a happy prompt next week! Take care, Love you, and hope you have received....? Squishes.
And I am STILL on the lookout for something. grrr on the slow post! >:-(
No its just the sad story from Splix this morning, it is a grey day, and the prompt is grey and lowering... and... I know you can be so sad... I dunno... normally I like autumn but it is behaving oddly this year. I mut get my head round it tho. see if I can turn it into a funny..... might be able to! Think Positive!!!!
I will write a happy story next just for you, how does that sound? It will be a challenge, I think, but I do not want to put you in the doldrums! The best cure for melancholy is piano, I find. Let me pour all those tears into some George Winston, and then I will be able to have a clear head for something less blue, how does that sound? :D *and hugs and is happy to have such a very dear friend*
You have such a skill of writing that I am so jealous of. Kudos! You are a master of the pen. :)
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