It's just Vancouver.

Apr 23, 2008 20:37

I just got off the phone with someone who was one of my best friends in high school, but he goes to school over yonder in Alberta.  It was great to hear his voice again after nearly a year and hear how good he's been doing.  We also had an interesting discussion on the differences between Vancouver and Calgary culture... Sigh.  The more I learn of ( Read more... )

other: ineffable, fandom: squee, real life: bitching, real life: bcit

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Comments 1

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kepp0xy April 26 2008, 03:20:10 UTC
yeah! It's weird, coz if you don't see them alot, you kind of move on and forget to miss them, but then you get the chance to talk and it's like you've never been apart, it's wicked! I loved it. Also, you're in Edmonton and he's in Calgary, so I have two people to visit while over in Alberta in September \O/

I don't get why people can't just make life easy for each other. I mean, seriously. Just chill out.

HOLLAH. what did you think of the ep? I was ... only sorta satisfied, but all of fandom seems to have adored it liekwhoa.


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