tuity fruity

Feb 04, 2008 21:02

layout complete at last! Layout by minty_peach and header by the amazing papered. Hee!

kepp0xy kepp0xy kepp0xy kepp0xy
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livejournal: layout

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Comments 9

timeblind February 5 2008, 05:16:00 UTC
zomg pretties!!

and you may borrow more dvds if you want. :] i've been watching Friends again too. heh.


kepp0xy February 6 2008, 18:19:21 UTC
Mmmmm DVDs.... We still need to have our sleepover & such! Bwahahaha O_O~!


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kepp0xy February 6 2008, 18:20:23 UTC
IMHO, S1 was the shits, S3 was the shits, and s2 was pretty good. I think the concept of VM was way better than the follow-thru. The writer's couldn't pull it off *shrugs*


lovespring February 5 2008, 06:44:13 UTC
paper...snow...A GHOST !!!


kepp0xy February 6 2008, 18:20:56 UTC


kepp0xy February 9 2008, 01:26:30 UTC
look who I found an icon of! *points to own icon!* My wallet purse zipper thing is named JAN! \O/!!!!


velithya February 5 2008, 14:09:45 UTC
lovely :3


kepp0xy February 9 2008, 01:24:23 UTC
thank you!


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kepp0xy February 9 2008, 01:25:43 UTC
thanks dude!

Yeah, Keith is probably the awesomest. I used to love Logan, but now he's too much of a hussy. So whiny and blahblah. I still love the S2 finale though, it was pretty sweet between Logan and Veronica (the final scenes, not the climax O_O! Beaver......)


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