Recs and links and random things!

Jan 26, 2010 23:11

halfamoon: Half a Moon is a fourteen day challenge celebrating female characters in fandom, which will run from February 1 through Valentine's Day. Fanfiction, vids, recs, art, picspam, icons, meta, fanmixes, and outside links to content fitting the theme of this community are all welcome--the only rule is that the primary focus must be on a female ( Read more... )

other: links, fandom: pimp

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Comments 2

lovespring January 27 2010, 08:41:55 UTC
fellow assassin,

I HOPE YOUR WEEK IS GOING WELL ! I keep wanting to make a post with more photos but there are just so many :O So instead I will just leave you a comment. I'm glad that you find helpful! ♥ Oh and you are so sweet writing such comments to your friends in the previous post. I will write one for you via email!!!

UH. Yup that's it. See you later Sheva !

Muscle / $5 assassin - LOL IS THE GAMER IN US THAT OBVIOUS? I JUST REALISED. bahahahaha.


lovespring January 27 2010, 08:46:39 UTC
PS You posted this at 11:11 pm !!! AND I JUST SEE THAT LDN_PRS IS IN YOUR LINKS ! Woh-oh I need to go offline before I get all cracked out and can't go to bed !


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