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Comments 5

i_phianassa December 3 2009, 18:26:50 UTC
Yesterday's weather was perfect!! The boy got back from vacation and said, "oh I hear you've been having gross weather like this" and I was all "... O.O ..." so I'm glad somebody agrees with me! ;)

Also, why visit BCIT?


kepp0xy December 3 2009, 23:18:52 UTC
Dude. Yesterday and today remind me of why Autumn is my favourite season. It's just so glorious, no lie.

LOL because I went there? hahaha I gradded from BCIT in March. Well, technically in June, but I haven't been there since March. This is already guaranteed, actually, as one of my instructor's is turning 65 and they're having a secret surprise party for him on the 18. I am excited. /ramble


i_phianassa December 4 2009, 00:10:51 UTC
haha oops, yeah I forgot! :P


lissomelle December 5 2009, 08:23:56 UTC
Aww, I love the postcard idea! I don't know if I have any on me, but I'll certainly consider buying some just because the women on this show totally deserve the love and support. Especially if it convinces TPTB to give them more screen time next year. *makes mental note*

Sorry if this is a total flist n00b question, but where exactly are you going? At any rate, that list of things to do looks really intriguing and I hope you have a safe trip. :-D


kepp0xy December 5 2009, 18:24:28 UTC
I still have to go find one *_*! I think it's a really good idea, tbh. There's a lot of merit in fan instigated projects to the producers and stuff, they've worked wonders before. And this one is so cleverly attuned to the girls that it seems a no-brainer. And plus, it works out that the girls *also* get some love ♥

No, of course! We're just getting to know each other ♥! I'm moving to London in March, so I've lots of time to get my last to-do things done, I think. It will be a very busy few months XD


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