2.04 Guinevere & Lancelot

Oct 10, 2009 12:40

Apologies if this entry is a bit all over the place, I'm writing it as it comes to mind. And I'm sure I'll miss a ton of nuances and a lot of blatant bits too, so apologies for that ;)

thoughts & spoilers )

fandom: episode review, tv: merlin

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Comments 11

sundae_sweet October 10 2009, 22:08:30 UTC
Agreed. I don't mind the Lancelot/Gwen vibes because for them and their attraction to each other, it was more out of the need to lean on someone when they were at their lowest.

If they had met again in Camelot, I'm sure Gwen would have been a lot more hesitant when it came to returning Lancelot's feelings.


kepp0xy October 14 2009, 18:15:51 UTC
Sorry for the delayed reply!

I agree - to an extent. I think Gwen does feel something more real than love born of urgency, but certainly the intensity of it is from the need to lean on someone.

And you're right - had Lancelot ridden into Camelot one random afternoon, things would have been vastly different. For one thing, Lancelot would have actually had to court Gwen if he wanted her. Not just sweep her off her feet at the eleventh hour :]


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kepp0xy October 14 2009, 18:16:47 UTC
Sorry for the delayed reply!

Ah, I'd always love to read a ramble, never spare me ;)

Lancelot and Gwen are pretty much mirrors of each other in all the important ways. Thanks for popping in with this comment!


heather October 10 2009, 22:57:22 UTC
I agree with this post so much! This episode was way more revelatory about Gwen's character than I expected it to be.

Much as I feel for Arthur and I do, oh Gwen! Her fears of being unloved and abandoned and worthless. Her feelings of loneliness.

And much as these guys like her, HER feelings for them whatever they might be take a backseat to their feelings of honor and duty and pride and whatever else. Both of them. I found her totally sympathetic here.


kepp0xy October 14 2009, 18:19:37 UTC
Sorry for the delayed reply!

The episode really was a fantastic one for Gwen and it makes me really irate disappointed that people totally missed the point of it, in terms of her character.

What I would really love to see is Gwen taking a stand to one/both of the guys and telling them to stfu so she can have a say. Except, in a very Gwen-like way, obviously... 0:]


heather October 14 2009, 19:01:06 UTC
it makes me really irate disappointed that people totally missed the point of it, in terms of her character.

ME TOO. I don't think many people got it. To be fair the writers don't explicitly explore her character very much; most of the cues we get come from Angel's acting. But seriously. When Hengist said "it seems that no one in the world cares for you" and I saw her face, I wanted to simultaneously tear up and throttle him. Oh, Gwen.

What I would really love to see is Gwen taking a stand to one/both of the guys and telling them to stfu so she can have a say.

This would make me SO happy. Would involve getting to see HER perspective on things once in a while, but if it happened I would die of glee.


kepp0xy October 15 2009, 21:41:39 UTC
To be fair the writers don't explicitly explore her character very much; most of the cues we get come from Angel's acting.

I agree, but at the same time: nnggghhh. People in this fandom seem so indisposed to give Gwen a chance that I'm pretty bitter. I swear, had the story been about Merlin or Arthur (where the character stuff was reliant upon their acting), no one would have been slamming the character for "questionable" behaviour, and everyone would be pouncing all over the great depth demonstrated. Le sigh.

But, focusing on the good, we did get to see the breadth of who Gwen is - from really, truly bottom of the pit to kick ass future queen and I just want to bundle her up and give her a gold star for being so awesome.

Would involve getting to see HER perspective on things once in a whilePTB, please? But I almost think that's where they have to go now... If she and Arthur stay too long at a stalemate, their story will get old. I kind of think it's up to Gwen for now to decide that, "yes, actually. I sort of want to be with ( ... )


lunylucy October 10 2009, 23:36:13 UTC
I basically couldn't agree with you more.

This episode hurt but I think good things will come of it eventually.


kepp0xy October 14 2009, 18:20:16 UTC
Agreed. I'm actually really excited to see where they take us with it.


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kepp0xy October 14 2009, 18:38:08 UTC
I pretty much blame you for the fact that I'm currently writing a fic that sort of follows that line of thought. Just so you know ;P


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