This is a public service announcement...

Aug 25, 2009 19:59

Three things of Merlin-related importance (because yes I am that much of a fangirl) ETA: & one thing of Supernatural-related importance

1) It's back September 19! HURRAH! I know this is likely old news to most of you, but I'm celebrating now none-the-less \O/!

2) Promo pics (please note: spoilery bits in a couple pics!) here and here. Gwen + ( Read more... )

fandom: awesome, tv: merlin, fandom: squee, fandom: pimp

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Comments 6

i_phianassa August 26 2009, 03:25:07 UTC
Icon love!


kepp0xy August 26 2009, 04:38:48 UTC
Gorgeous, y/y? Made by la_esmeralda_!


tvheartache August 26 2009, 07:02:13 UTC
YAY MERLIN! Finally.

And thank you for the Supernatural linkage. I feel like I've been neglecting it lately, so it was a nice reminder of why I've managed to stick with this show for so long ♥


kepp0xy August 26 2009, 21:45:38 UTC
ikr? it's felt like for bloody ever. *_*

Me too! It's been a long time since I've hcore flailed for SPN and I sort of miss it. Hopefully this season rocks as hard as the last few


skyebanshee August 26 2009, 22:11:02 UTC
I am closing my eyes to not be spoiled for the pics, but I DID NOT KNOW ABOUT THE AIR DATE (because I FAIL in fandom), SO THANK YOU!!!

I was telling my sister-in-law about my dorky Merlin icon (see above), she just kind of shook her head at me and said I was silly. SHE CLEARLY DOES NOT UNDERSTAND MY LOVE FOR HIS GOOFINESS!

Also, HIYA!


kepp0xy August 27 2009, 16:57:58 UTC
w00t! It's only just been kind of whispered about - so far as I know, the BBC hasn't actually officially said anything yet. But the date is posted on the site which got a hold of the official promo pics, so it's generally being accepted as true. Speaking of promos: I just realised we haven't actually gotten any in the form of tv commercial promos. What's up with that shit?!

Dude. Merlin and his humongous grin of glee and dorky huge thumbs is wicked awesome! and a little sexy, in an enormously geeky way



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