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Comments 8

crazy_in_lost December 28 2008, 04:45:46 UTC
Whut? Some people actually ask for new bills? FAIL. Have fun with Supernatural!

OOo, and I noticed that like, 5+ people joined after we posted that prompt thing, yay for hitting the 40 mark!


kepp0xy December 28 2008, 04:48:09 UTC
Yeah! A surprising number of people. & thank you! I will. If I ever get home from work X_X

That's awesome! \O/ Now if only they'd start giving us prompts.... >_>


writeangel1 December 28 2008, 05:22:36 UTC
I have no time for participation right now, but in a few days I will stop back by and snag a couple of promts to work on. I &hearts you guys for starting a gwen com).


kepp0xy December 28 2008, 07:03:21 UTC
Thanks, dude! I can't wait to see what you come up with.

It's all down to crazy_in_lost for the creation, I'm just the tag along support XD!


tvheartache December 28 2008, 06:04:03 UTC
I can't stand customers and their so-called "funny" comments. Like if it doesn't scan, they're all "must be free!" ugh. And I get why somebody wouldn't want a bill if it was like torn in half or something, but honestly - if it's just a little beat up, who cares? SHOCKINGLY, money doesn't stay perfect.

/could rant on forever, but will spare you


kepp0xy December 28 2008, 07:08:01 UTC
I KNOW. And sometimes they just end up fucking you up! At least, at the theatre, because if we're busy I don't tend to look at them, and so if they say "two seniors" I punch it in and then they're like "LOLZ FOOL'D U. WE'RE TOTES ADULTS LOLZ!" and I pretty much wish I had lazer beams for eyes.

And you work at Chapters, yeah? So you guys got the uber shit treatment a while back when the exchange rate was changing... my BFF works at Chapters, so I've heard some awful stories. I feel so bad for you guys!!!


wikked_angel_78 December 28 2008, 23:17:56 UTC
I remember my retail days and the way folks would throw money at us. And downright bitch that I can be when vexed I'd throw it right back. Who were they going to complain to? I was the manager.

I hated the ones who would throw the money at me or put it on the counter and then when it was time to get their change back, hands would be stretched as far as possible so I'd hand them the money. I don't think so. Respect is a two way street. I ain't a dog and my name's not FIDO, don't throw money at me.

Then we had those customers who'd be mad at their husband, sister, cousin, the dog or a customer service rep in another store and take it out on us. Once again, leave your attitude at the door and don't come here with it. I ain't your punching bag.

Whenever I go shopping I always hand the cashiers the money. First, because its the respectful and polite thing to do and second because I know how it feels to have people treat you like the shit beneath their boot heel.


kepp0xy December 29 2008, 04:15:43 UTC
Ahhh lucky that you could throw it back! It always annoys me when they don't even understand why you're irritated that they've thrown their money at you. LIKE REALLY. REALLY, YOU WOULD APPRECIATE HAVING MONEY THROWN AT YOU? I somehow sincerely doubt that ( ... )


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