'Cause the drinks bring back all the memories Of everything we've been through

Apr 15, 2021 23:30

Today was Livegerbil's birthday, and everyone was getting one of those memes or whatever they're called about the year we each began in this community. For me it was 2003 and I still remember where I was, what I was doing, and how I came to be a Livergerbil person. It was a time when Livegerbil was cool, before it became a sort of forgotten joke ( Read more... )

livegerbil, seth, abby, memories, livejournal

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Comments 36

wpadmirer April 16 2021, 10:46:19 UTC
What a lovely post! I've always thought of LJ as a record of things, but I never look back on it. Which is funny. I think it's why I don't tag.

I like blogging because it starts warming up my brain for the day, and when I was writing full-time (freelancing), it was a great way to limber up the fingers and get the words flowing

But I can see why you would want to go back and look and see the changes and remember all the wonderful things, and even the sad things.

I am thrilled by your baseball journey, and I love that you have documented who has the best hot dogs. It's a cool goal, and I applaud it!


kensmind April 16 2021, 15:13:15 UTC
Thanks, but to be fair, my hot dog survey is based on a small sample size. That said, so far the Kansas City Royals and the Texas Rangers are in the lead. I haven't been to Milwaukee yet, and in all independent polls, they usually win the hot dog world series.


meathiel April 16 2021, 11:31:35 UTC
For me LJ is like a diary ... I record things here, instead of writing them in a physical journal.
I sometimes go back and look at stuff, photos from trips etc. since I don't print out photos anymore either. And it's easier to look them up on LJ than anywhere else ...
So yes, I'm happy LJ is still around.


kensmind April 16 2021, 15:14:51 UTC
Exactly. I sure hope they never close down this site. It would be like performing a lobotomy on my brain.


_profiterole_ April 16 2021, 12:37:02 UTC
It looks like Russian!LJ still hasn't kicked us LGBT people out, so we're still here. :-)


kensmind April 16 2021, 15:16:28 UTC
Yes. I think that even in Russia, LGBT+ people are okay as long as we're spending money.


seaivy April 16 2021, 12:54:52 UTC
you are always a joy to read
i have had to skip your real estate adventures - to close to home
but the rest - yes
and there is POTUS Geeks!
you are an L J Treasure!


kensmind April 16 2021, 15:19:32 UTC
Right back at you. I love how we have different styles (I'm a blabbermouth and you're poetically and wonderfully succinct) and yet (for me at least) I treasure the difference. This is one of the reasons I go on so much about how important diversity of thought is.


zvezda April 16 2021, 14:20:33 UTC
I had a good laugh remembering the sound of the modem and all of the "a/s/l" inquiries. I spent a LOT of my 2000s on IRC, and that question brings back a lot of memories.

I loved the last paragraph. You really are a supportive, caring person, and I am always really appreciative of that.


kensmind April 16 2021, 15:21:58 UTC
Thank you, that's very kind of you to write. The same can easily be said of you, and I love your thoughtful posts and how they always display a real love of life. Someone I very much admired always used to say, "life is meant to be enjoyed, not endured" and you are definitely someone who gets that.


zvezda April 16 2021, 15:24:01 UTC
Thank you! I try my best. We only get one shot at this :)


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