ok... this is just... ODD.

Oct 24, 2014 22:59

Just for the record, transition lens bi-focals are... yeah ( Read more... )

rl, getting older

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Comments 2

azure_chaos October 25 2014, 10:35:16 UTC

Yeah. The out-law has a lot of issues with her bifocals where that line is and she ends up kinda bobbing her head to see stuff that is just in between the two; she couldn't do verifocals though, they made her woozy. Hopefully you will get used to them quickly, if not, maybe you could use plain distance glasses when driving? *shrugs*



hawk_soaring October 25 2014, 17:56:02 UTC
Bifocals or progressives? I wear progressives and they were easy peasy to get used to. Hope things even out for you soon. It can take a little bit to train your brain.


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