Title: Heart of the Wood
Author: Kenaz
Email: Kenazfiction@gmail.com
Beta: Ignoblebard. Remaining mistakes are my own.
Rating: R
Pairing: Beleg/Túrin
Warnings: None.
Request: Something bittersweet. Try to include horses, swift-flowing water and birdsong.
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Comments 16
Thanks for another gift.
I'm posting BEFORE reading it. I want to hug you, worship you, for writing this! It's so rare to find Beleg/Turin stories.
I'll comment as soon as I've read it.
Sorry for this delay.
Your story is magnificent! The language, the deep words, they made it so especial.
I also loved how well you pictured young Turin, full of prejudice and hard hearted.
However Beleg truly took my breath away. Sensitive, perhaps too gentle. The acceptance of his fate is so sad.
Beautiful work!
This piece was informed far more by Children of Hurin than by the Lays or the Silmarillion, and what I took away most from C of H, aside from Túrin's general "assholeiness" (or Hubris, if you prefer), is the way Tolkien so starkly differentiated between the Men and the Elves. It comes across in C of H far more than in his other writings, I think, so I wanted that to be carried on here. I'm glad you think I've been successful at that.
...the song he sings to sharpen the sword. I haven't see that before but when I read it, it resonated as if it could be canon.
Heh, that's because it *is* canon! :D See:The Lays of Beleriand, "The Lay of the Children of Hurin": "... Then sought his sword, and songs of magic o'er its eager edge with Elfin voice there Beleg murmured... There wondrous wove he the words of sharpness, and the names of of knives and Gnomish blades he uttered o'er it..." etc ( ... )
I loved the characterisations here: Túrin's short-sighted hubris that brings about his eventual downfall and Beleg's devotion which shatters my heart into a billion pieces. You more than did justice to them. The final part just... broke me. That Beleg would still want to keep his memories of Túrin after all that happened is painfully true and just so right for the character ( ... )
Hugs Binky x x x
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