Feb 14, 2012 08:30

So many words! So much love!  In fact, there are 6668 verbs, adjectives, objects, propositions (!!!), and nouns (both proper and improper!!) of friends extolling their anonymous love for one another. Awwwww!  Thanks to each and every one of you for throwing a little light onto a dim February day.  I'm sure this will also help put everyone in the mood for their My Slashy Valentine stories, which your Slashy Mod red_lasbelin will be delivering today.

And now, without further ado... let's start feelin' the love!

ETA: Apparently, I have exceeded my daily allotment of messages, so people whose names begin with the letters S through Z will be getting comments on their LJ entries instead of messages in their inboxes.  Sorry 'bout that, folks!

ETA2: Will friends of skonichek, zeedrippyvessel, stephmariemarsh and vinvalenwind let them know that they have valentines waiting? Their user settings will not allow me to leave messages for them. VALENTINE FAIL! :(

ETA3: AWWW! So glad to see all the love a-flowin. It has absolutely been my pleasure to host this. It does my heart good to be the facilitator for this much shared joy. And for those of you who left valentines for me: thank you. Just... thank you. Your kindness and support means more than I can say.  Now everybody go hug your f-list!!!

Valentines A - G

  • thanks for all you do for everyone each week. you are generous of spirit! Love you lots! My daily dose of Agie makes my day!
  • You are very kind and loving.
  • You make the most fabulous icons, and your warmth and generosity of spirit are inspiring to everyone who know you. Love you, Aunt Agie.
  • Sweet, kind, caring but surprisingly naughty. Very generous. Talented graphics maker.
  • You are the heart of our fandom, with a goodness that shines through every day! I want to have a cup of tea with you someday.
  • Even though we haven't been as close as we used to be you still mean a lot to me and I am so thankful to be able to call you my friend. Much love and hugs for you.
  • You have such a lovely heart!
  • Your icon making is special, just as you are; and I value our long friendship.
  • I love you and your kindness to feral kitties and all the tags and icons you make for me - they are surprise gifts! Thank you for all the years you have been my friend. I am honoured and blessed to know you
  • You’re such a generous, caring friend. It’s been a joy getting to know you.

  • You are a fabulous artist and I love your work. Hugs!

  • I appreciate all you do for the fandom and keeping us going! thanks for your ideas and spirit!
  • Your dedication to our fandom always inspires me and I am happy to call you a friend.
  • You are my best friend and part of my family. You always make me smile and feel loved. I love you!
  • You are the fandom den mother!  You care for and about us, but you also keep us in line when we’re naughty!  You give so much of yourself-- thank you.

  • You are a very busy and smart woman. Glad we are friends.

  • I really appreciated your support as liaison during the MEFA nomination process. You were so patient and fair.

  • There are no words to express how thankful I am for you and your generosity!
  • Thank you for continuing to make fandom a happy place to be!

  • Thinking of you today. Happy Valentine’s Day!

  • Friends forever.  Your stories are among my all-time favorites. Miss you.

  • you mean so much to me in so many ways.
  • Thank you for all you do for fandom!  This would be a much drearier place without you!

  • love you lots, girlie! *big huggle*

  • Thank you for your wacky sense of humor and for sharing your wonderful gift of storytelling.
  • you make me laugh, you make me cry, and you are always generous and warm in a sometimes cold, inward-looking world. Keep telling it like it is! There is more truth in your slapstick comedy than in most people’s oh-so-earnest “serious” fic.
  • Erestor beckons you hither!
  • I sometimes wonder what you were like at school: did your friends then enjoy your mad sense of humor, or would no one from your past even recognize you from your writing today? Like Jeli, you're both outrageous and irresistible!
  • I love your sense of humour and your concern for those around you. Your stories always put a smile on my face.
  • You always have a kind word no matter what is going on and I'm happy that we are friends.
  • I love your enthusiam and the way you let nothing defeat you.
  • Your stories are so funny, quirky, and endearing.  Thank you for being a good LJ friend for many years.
  • Your writing is so clever, and you have such a sense of humor that it really brightens the fandom.

  • you're one of the strongest women I know. You go, girl.
  • Clever with a razor sharp wit. Gorgeous skin and lovely smile. Fun to be around. Always has the best nekkid men.
  • You are my best online friend. I am so thankful to have you in my life and grateful that you share a part of yours with me. You always bring laughter even when you are angry and I love you for it.
  • You're a great person who I hope will have lots of good things happen this year.
  • You are a wonderful, caring mother and a great friend. I admire your knowledge of poitics!!!!  So glad we were brought together over the internets!
  • Hugs & Manflesh Dreams to you dear!

  • I miss you.

  • A dear friend and a great colleague. You make playing in the messy sandbox of fandom feel like a worthy and admirable endeavor. A slasher? I guess, since one of my all-time favorite slash novels, By the Light of the Roses, was written by you. You simply don’t limit yourself to slash. And you always find the time to defend people’s right to write whatever they choose and have it treated with respect. Your own multi-genre website, the SWG, raised slash-friendly to a whole new level.
  • You are out there fighting the good fight.  I love your fiction, and I’m so very grateful for all the work you do on behalf of our fandom, but it’s when you have given me/us glimpses of your real life-- your work, your adventures with your family, etc.-- that I am really reminded that I am in the presence of a Really Good Egg.
  • You are the original energizer bunny.  I am constantly amazed by your talent and your giving and loving nature.  You are a gift that I cherish.  

  • Sweet and loving. Deserves the very best. Has wonderful sense of humor.

  • Yours is such a beautiful spirit!

  • I love your sense of humour and your ability to see right through situations. You often make me smile. I am so glad that we are friends :D

  • I aspire to your skill with words. I’m so thrilled you’re venturing out into the world of O-fic-- the universe at large deserves to know of your talent.  You have a courage of spirit and an innate goodness of soul that make me feel like I’m improved as a human being just by knowing you.  
  • You are one incredible writer and an even more incredible woman. Your strength and grace are an inspiration.
  • Simply a professional writer through and through. You’ve mastered your craft and are generously willing to contribute to the rest of us whether through comments on our completed work or offers to help with a WIP. (My heart’s breaking for you at the moment, but I know you will write again soon.)
  • We got to know each other better over this past year, and I hold you and your family close to my heart and in my prayers.  One day we will meet and it will be like meeting a friend I have been separated from for years, or a long lost sister.  
  • You make me want to be a better writer. It’s as simple as that.
  • I don't want you to ever doubt your talent as a writer. You create the most glorious, interesting and realistic characters and worlds. I do think Elegy for Númenor is world-building, since we know very little about the people or the land. I am thinking of you and wishing you well always. As a little aside, I have been looking at pro-fic forums lately, and reading excerpts of original novels. You and several others utterly outclass what I have read.
  • Please go on writing! I'm always looking forward to your next update or your next story...
  • Your story-telling makes my blood sing. You have made me cry and laugh, fear and hope, and your wonderful characters have seduced me without hope. You're a superb writer, a generous, strong person, a great friend and an inspiration who keeps bringing out the best in me. I adore you!

  • I love your determination and your ability to throw off unfavourable situations and get on with life. From one single parent to another, it is a hard situation and you can choose to survive or go under -  you, my friend, are a survivor and that is what I really like about you.

  • With your eyes on the stars, you have managed to light my days.  I have really enjoyed getting to know you a bit better over this past year. 

  • I know you don’t hang out in these parts much anymore, but your rapier wit and irreverent humor-- coupled with an incredible and unique writing style-- have always made you a favorite of mine.
  • I don't know you, and you frighten me. I note your suggestions and preferences pertaining to ficcish matters from afar, and remember them. Your fanfiction is wonderful. You set the bar very high.

  • You are the smartest and coolest cookie!
  • you are a such a fun and sweet person! I hope everything goes very well in your life, that it's all the good kind of change.
  • I love your enthusiasm for your work and for the world around you. Like the way you bubble about life.

  • It’s been great to see an artist jump into writing in such a whole-hearted fashion, bringing to your stories your devotion to craft. I’m tickled that we share a love of the southwest and for digging up old stuff. Thanks for being a friend and supporter.

  • Wishing you lots of warm fuzzies!

  • Your stories do what all good stories should: they transport me into the world you’re describing and make me forget my problems for a while. Thank you for sharing them.

  • Your imagination and talent never cease to amaze me. Finding out that you’ve updated one of your stories always brightens my day.

  • your gentle friendship is always a blessing to me.
  • My favorite pervy lady. Smart, witty and loads of fun. Perfect hair.
  • just because you're sweet, hard working, did a great job with your boys, and I'm glad I know you.
  • Even though we get busy its nice to know that others will be there when we come back. Know you have a friend always and take care of yourself.
  • Life would be so much harder without you. Compassion, insight, great laughs, wise mothering experience, and lots of love are what you bring to my world. ♥

  • Thank you for the Anestel series. You compeltely poured yourself into it, and made it iconic, unforgettable. I know you had to put up with a great deal of abuse from people over the years, and thank you for holding to your vision. I am forever your fan, (as are many more people, I know) and friend, I hope. Love always.
  • I love your stories and graphics, and I admire you so much for setting up Faerie. It’s now one of my favourite sites.
  • You are smart, funny, a wonderful writer, and 100% responsible for introducing me to the perverse hilarity of Oglaf, for which I can never repay you! :D
  • Your steamy fics make me long for hot kisses, bruising embraces and, well... ah... more, actually. Hugs!

  • I love your picspams and wry comments.

  • I think it is amazing what you are doing with your life! Rock on! :)

  • So glad we are friends. You are such a good mom.

  • I miss you, miss your wicked sense of humour, miss your cheerfulness, miss the gripping stories you used to tell so masterfully. I hope RL is treating you well wherever you are. This particular nook on the Internet doesn’t feel the same without you.

  • Fishy, you are kind, sweet and talented. I hope you have many more stories to share with the world and that life gets better for you.

See Valentines H-M
See Valentines N-Z

Valentines H - M

Valentines N - Z

vdsa, fanservice

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