*squees loudly in fangirlish glee*
Zack finally has a Squeenix-given official surname! Zack Fair, from 'fair weather', as opposed to Cloud Strife.
So corny! So FREAKING fitting! *squees more and bows to worship the Nomura God*
ETA: Okay! In the wake of the news, it's our duty as fangirls to come up with as many jokes, puns and double-
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All I want is a room somewhere,
Far away from Icicle air,
So hot that I walk around bare,
Oh, wouldn't it be loverly?
Officers that can be discreet,
A buffet full of Soldier meat,
Warm face, warm hands, warm feet,
Oh, wouldn't it be loverly?
Aeris: ...technically, I'm the flower girl, Zack.
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