
Sep 11, 2011 21:27

Cameron Cain has grow up on ghost stories about the Arpheus Nebula - a mysterious region of space into which several spaceships have disappeared - but when the Kelzarion, a much-lauded ship that is supposed to be indestructable disappears vanishes his interest becomes obsession.

He has to fight the bureucratic Spatial Armed Forces, an organisation that seems to have more information that it's admiting to, leading Cam to believe that an alien force is behind the disappearences.

Determined to discover the truth, he embarks on an unoffical mission.

But what he finds is more than he ever imagined...

The Stories

Young Cam (2093-2112)
Monday Morning - an ordinary morning in the Cain household (Cam is about 8)
Once Upon a Time - Cam's father tells him ghost stories (Cam is about 11)
Questions of Science and Progress - Cam parents die aboard a lost ship (Cam is 19)

Cam and Mer (2117-2121)
Phonecall - Cam gets a call from Mer
All the World's a Stage - Mer gets ready for her big day

Calm Before - moments before Breaking News
Breaking News - Cam hears about the Kelzarion's disappearence
Using All Assests - Cam tries to find out more about the disappearence
I don't need you - Cam's studying is interupted
White Whale - the fine line between passion and obsession

Sugar & Spice - Cam has a secret admirer
Deep Fried Twinky - Cam discovers the identity of his admirer... and asks her out

Betrayal - Mer divorces Cam
Beginning - Cam outside the CSAR
The Interview at CSAR - Cam petitions for expedition funding
Head of Security - Cam's thoughts on Elaine Thompson
The Presentation - Cam explains the basis of the Kelzarion Expedition
"Here be Dragons" - [star] maps and legends

The Expedition (2130-2131)
Arrival - at Moonbase I
Gluteus Maximus - medical preparations hurt *g*
Loading Up - the ship for the expedition

Untitled - Cam doesn't like space travel...
Pride Cometh - Cam gets into trouble with Elaine
Cam and Elaine
Not So Different
Oil & Water - Cam is not the sort of man she normally goes for
A Simpler Arrangement - Cam faces up to Ava... and Elaine offers something simpler

The Kelzarion is Found (2131)
Discovery - the Kelzarion is discovered
The Disappeared - Cam finds Alya... and that his crewmates are missing
First Impressions: Alya - Cam's first impression of Alya
Rations - Cam shares a meal with Alya

Visitation - One of the Arphii comes to Cam

Accidentally in Love - Cam is bad with women

Undisclosed Desires - Cam watches Alya dance... and discovers his heart is not made of stone after all
exorcise the demons - are Cam and Alya fated to be together?

History Lesson - an Arphi has something it wishes to show Cam

Other Stories
All Alone - Alya's story no longer canon
Feed the Birds - Alya as a child
The Arpheus Report - journal report of the disappearence
First Impressions: Cam - the interview from O'Brien's POV

"Save Me From the Dark" - Alya
Cam's Timeline
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