Title: Not So Average Day 2 - The Music Box Characters: Jack, Myfanwy, Janet, team Length: 1,000 words Warning: cracktasmagoria Summary: you wanted a Torchwood musical?
Myfanwy having the voice of Ethel Merman was actually the 1st line that came to me, but i can't remember where i was at the time
i actually didn't grow up with musicals; i'm not a huge fan of musicals, either, but i like to think if there'd been a musical ep of tw, it would have involved alien hallucinogens
(also, if ianto had been the one blasted, he'd have been singing janis joplin)
I saw John Barrowman singing "Copacabana" on Jonathan Ross last night. Now I can't get the image of Jack singing and dancing in the Hub out of my head!
Comments 8
Tell me you thought this one up in the shower too. While singing in the shower.
Weevils tap-dancing. Myfanwy tap-dancing. And singing like Ethel Merman. Weevil back-up dancers! (Did you grow up with Broadway musicals too?)
But he wouldn’t give up Ianto in suits for anything in the world. Except maybe Ianto naked. All the time. It’s quite a sight.
I had to read this bit a few times, wondering if I was interpreting it properly. That last sentence -- was Ianto actually...
Jack pulls him in closer, bodies flush.
Which caused me to interpret that sentence in more ways than one!
And it would be a sparkly pink box :D Ianto's tender gesture at the end was a nice touch.
If only John had had a chance to sing on the show. If only.
*sings* You're the top, you're a Waldorf salad, you're the top, you're a Berlin ballad...
*goes to make popcorn*
i actually didn't grow up with musicals; i'm not a huge fan of musicals, either, but i like to think if there'd been a musical ep of tw, it would have involved alien hallucinogens
(also, if ianto had been the one blasted, he'd have been singing janis joplin)
glad you liked it!
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