The Adventures of Addison Barros, Celebrity Relic-Hunter [9]

Mar 19, 2011 12:52

Hey everyone, and welcome back to The Adventures of Addison Barros. It's been a while so I'll give you a recap, but under the cut (where the title photo is hiding). Right this way!

Where we left off, Ian got on the honour roll and became a teenager. He's sexy. He's also really into athletics, and likes to help out at the spa. Addi maxed her mixology skill and athletic skill, and mother and son tried to go to China but couldn't. They went to Egypt, instead. Addi got her level one visa and picked up a foreign hottie-tottie, Youssef Nagi. She raided tombs. Mummies were also there. Then they went home.

Addi got plaques for her maxed skills, and Ian fulfilled his lifetime want to have a perfect body and perfect mind (maxed logic and body skills). Addi invited Youssef to stay over for a while. And that's what you missed on Glee The Adventures of Addison Barros, Celebrity Relic-Hunter.

So, Addi got invited to a party.
I don't know why I thought this was remotely important. We're all aware of her ~celebrity status.

LOL okay, so these opportunities are wonderful for her celeb status, but they're even better for me. TS3 has the funniest dance moves ever (though slightly more true to life than TS2) and I died laughing while Addi was on the dance floor. I also recorded a video. Here's hoping it works?

Since Ian maxed all the skills I needed him to (body, logic), plus the ones he wanted to (fishing), I've started him up on a new hobby: writing! He's going to be the most skilled writer out there.

In other news, when he takes over this pseudo-legacy (spoilers!) I have no idea what he's going to do - it's not like he wants to raid tombs the way Addi does. He just wants to fish and write and run around and play chess. I'll have to find something interesting for him.

This was Addi's idea of attending a party: hiding in a bush behind the house where the party was held.

Hey, I never claimed the girl was smart!

Anyway, Youssef is here! ~Romantic picspam commences now!


Look at all those wonderful options!


Anyway, they sexed it up. And then there was a lullaby (which was deliberate, in case you were wondering). And then Youssef woke up with green stink clouds that I couldn't fix by cheats unless he was in the family. So...

They got engaged, and then married (don't you love that Addi can't be romantically rejected? xD), and Youssef is an official Barros. Welcome to the family, man!

This is going to be the hardest LTW I've ever attempted in TS3.

On another topic entirely, Youssef's stats are in the panel on the right.

Makeover time! And boy, is he wonderful <3

Anyway, I got him started on his career in architecture, as well as a painting class - he needs artistic skills anyway, so might as well get a jump start.

Well, architecture is going to be an interesting career, for sure.

Oooh, the morning sickness has begun!

Hah, sweet! Easy bonus marks for school!

Since Youssef and Ian were step father and son, I figured they should get to know each other. Bonding ensued, and soon they were buddies.

While this was happening, I got Addi started on the guitar because when she's not raiding tombs, she rarely does anything. I mean, she maxed her mixology and athletic skills, so I couldn't think of much else for her to do. Hence, guitar.

LOL! I love that interacting with his step-son made Youssef a celebrity. xD

Oh, boyyyyyy <3

D'awww. Told you they were besties!


Okay, so architecture is quite the interesting career. Youssef gets all of these jobs around town and he has to go there and basically I go into buy/build mode and fix up the house as asked for by the owner.

Youssef's first job was an exterior makeover. I know I didn't include the slide here, because I forgot to take a picture, but the client totally bitched him out and was like, "THIS AIN'T GOOD ENOUGH, SON!"

This is going to be harder than I thought.

He did better with his second project of the day, though!

And look! Promotion! :D

Oh, Youssef. You really are the best daddy-in-the-making there ever was. <3

More jobs, more good reviews. But we need 100 great ones, and just aren't getting there!


Muahahhahaha. Same client (the first one he had, who was an asshole), better review this time. We're improving!

Something about Addi playing guitar in her maternity dress and heels seems just profoundly off.

Yay, promotions! I love promotions!

I don't know how this happened, but sweet!

D'awwwwww <3

Best example of a DERP face right here! But in other news, the baby's coming!

Since Youssef was Egptian, I thought I'd honour that by giving the baby - a boy - an Egyptian name. So here's Kamal Barros!

Okay, if I'm honest I really don't know if Kamal is an Egyptian name. But my journalism prof, who lived in Cairo for a fair bit of his life, was named Kamal, so it can't be too far off authenticity.

Anyway, I decided he would be eccentric and that he'd love the outdoors. I want to try to give all of the sims a bit of a ~cache, so I think Kamal is going to be the one who invents things.

I still don't know what Ian will be yet.

Cute baby picspam!

Oh, hey Kai!

Woooooooot! Good review and an award? Can't complain!

Award and promotion? Again, can't complain!

So I decided to raise Kamal the way I did with Ian - once he befriends both of his parents, I'll make him a toddler. Once he learns all of his skills, I'll make him a child. Then the fam-jam can go on vacations together again!

Gotta love easy-peasy opportunities.

Gotta say, I love making bedrooms. So much fun!
Somehow the corresponding photo for this disappeared, but Youssef got a good review.

Anyway, Kamal's birthday! He's a toddler now (and I decided not to take photos, obvs...I think I'm losing my mind!).

Oh, I lied - here's the picture for the teenage sanctuary job. Told you he got a good review!

Hells yeah! :D

Very nice, Youssef. More celeb points.
(Notice he took time out of work to do this. :P)

Just found out you can get promotions without going to work in architecture - all he has to do is work on his painting skills and it ups his job experience.


So when Kamal grew up I gave him the lucky trait, because inventing stuff is dangerous work - look at Kai: he was trying to invent something when his work table set on fire and killed him. 
Precautions need to be taken!

Anyway, here are some cute photos of Kamal in his new outfits, with his new eyebrows. This kid is adorbs (though Ian is my favourite, and will probably be the ~heir).

And that's where I'll leave you for now! Have a good one, guys. :)
- Kelsey

ts3 world adventures, youssef nagi, ts3, ts3 late night, addison barros, ian barros, the adventures of addison barros, ts3 ambitions, kamal barros

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