As I begin this post, my printer is whirring out a checklist of birds generally found in my area. Because come the day after Valentine's day, I'm going to be participating in The Great Backyard Bird Count. I first read about the
GBBC over at
Loree Griffin Burns's blog, and then saw it inside Family Circle Magazine. And the "chuck chuck chuck" of the red-bellied woodpecker that frequents my suet-like feeder on most days reminded me that I needed to check out the website to see what I need to do in order to participate.
It's easy. On at least one occasion between February 15 & 18, you need to spend at least 15 minutes writing down what birds you see in a particular place (it can be pretty much any place you want, not just your backyard, although I'm going with my backyard). You write down the maximum amount of each species present at any one time. Were this last week, in one 15-minute period I had the aforementioned woodpecker, two pairs of red-breasted nuthatches, two pairs of hairy woodpeckers, about 10 junkos, 2 goldfinches and 2 mourning doves at or under the feeders. And ten minutes later, the yard was completely devoid of birds. Easy come, easy go.
For information on how to participate, check out the
How to Participate page at the GBBC website. It's pretty simple - count and fill in an online form.