2008 Annual LJ Awards

Dec 23, 2008 08:56

Let's face it, kids.  LJ has been flickering out.  For the past 5-6 months, it's been upstaged by Facebooking, Twittering, and countless other "ings" that I know nothing about.  It would be easy to shove this here awards showcase to the side and sound a hearty guffaw at the thought of voting on this dying star of a website.

But then I thought, "Hey, people still vote on the Academy Awards!  Hell, people still host lavish parties in its honor, and that thing hasn't been relevant for YEARS!"

So, here it is.  Last year, 27 people secretly voted for the winners.

That's right.  We're keeping this shit anonymous and locked up tight, just like Pricewatershouse Coopers.  So, what you'll need to do is email me with your nominations by 8:00 a.m. tomorrow morning (12/24) at kellydeerson at gmail dot com.  I'll be tabulating the results and titles will be awarded shortly thereafter.

Let's show LJ that it still holds a special place in our hearts.

Email me with your nominations for the LJ-er who best represents the following:

Most intimidating

Biggest trendsetter



Most dramatic

Most random

Most opinionated

Most precious
Most famous

Most helpful

Biggest nerd

Most likely to make a bizarre comment

Most likely to make an insulting comment

Most likely to be drunk on a weekday

Most obsessed with a TV show
Longest grudge held
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