
Dec 24, 2020 19:02

Happy Christmas Eve! (if it still is where you are, and if you're into this Christmas thing).

Our Christmas tree is up and lit, sans ornaments (we accidentally left them in Connecticut). But the Young Man had a lot of Mardi Gras beads, so we draped them artistically around the branches, and the tree looks great.

Partner is making beef tenderloin with cherry sauce for Christmas Eve dinner and duck with orange sauce for Christmas. Plus all sorts of sides. I contributed the dessert: some small cakes (purchased, because I am no cook/baker. Vanilla buttercream, chestnut mousse, matcha passionfruit, and blackberry meringue).

But Christmas actually came early to me in the form of my gift for hoggywartyxmas. It was chosen as the opening entry for the fest, which gives you some idea how good it is. I have to say, I always hit the jackpot with Hoggywarty. Last year's gift was superb, and this one is equally so. Not only is it well-written, but it also hits all my bulletproof kinks: interesting points of view, inventive magic, sexy long hair, rare pairs with my favorite characters, a fab narrator, wizarding politics. (Note: it's not a teacher/student relationship, though; Hermione is 38).

Go read. You'll love it. And while you're there, join in all the hoggywartyxmas festivities. It's the best party of the year.

Title: The Dressing Room: A Play in Three Acts, with Chorus
Author: Anonymous for now purplefluffycat
Rating: R
Word Count: ~10,000
Characters and/or Pairings: Madam Malkin, Minerva McGonagall/Hermione Granger, Arthur Weasley, Horace Slughorn/Filius Flitwick
Summary: One cannot run the country’s most successful robe shop without knowing how people tick.
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