This morning, I created
seeker_novel in anticipation of Stephenie Meyer's continuation of The Host. A preemptive strike. I didn't want the name to get stolen before one of
the_host_novel mods could claim it. My intention is for it to be partnered with
the_host_novel and
the_soul_novel (also a preemptive strike). Not sure if I want to be a mod yet.
Is this nerdy? We create communities in anticipation of books that don't even exist yet. I say not. I say it's just good planning.
Also, attn Twilight fans. There's a community for the New Moon movie.
lunar_black It's new (get it?), just starting. So you should join and help it out.
Yay, Fandom!
EDIT: Ok, scratch that. There is already a
theseeker_novel , so.... as not to step on anyone's toes, I deleted
seeker_novel . It's coo'. I have plans for other comms.