Title: Grabbing a Shark By The Tail Author: kellifer_fic Rating: PG Category: SPN/GG (Sam/Rory) Word Count: 3,225 Spoilers: None Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue, no offense, no money.
I have mentioned before how much I love the idea of GG/SPN crosses and this one is fantastic. Rory being the reporter, the outsider POV and really trying to understand the boys. Easily, the most original idea for combining these two 'verses. I love the passing mention of the difference between Sam and Dean F. But Rory still sleeps with Sam, yeah. Must have more - please.
This is lovely. I love Rory’s POV and how she sees that there is more to the Winchester story but at the same time being justifiably frightened of them.
Plus your Sam is so so attractive. I want to fall into bed with him too :D
Oooh, I really love this! It really works for all three of them, and it gives some hope of Sam and Dean being revealed as good guys to the world at large.
Comments 48
Plus your Sam is so so attractive. I want to fall into bed with him too :D
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