Updated the webpage

Oct 13, 2005 13:40

Yeah, for the first time in years I actually cleaned out Hellmommy and reworked it. Nothing anyone hasn't already seen, but all the new art is on it. :) Don't expect anything fancy though. I made it as simple as possible, leaving it quick and easy. Text links and everything! >.>; My web space was such a mess. Deleted damn near everything ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

thistle_chaser October 13 2005, 19:30:26 UTC
Woo, it's so much faster loading now! Yay! :) *pokes through the FFXI stuff* Woo!


kelen October 13 2005, 19:35:10 UTC
That's part of why I made it simple. Not as pretty as if it had a shitload of images, but easier to browse. :)


thistle_chaser October 14 2005, 00:58:28 UTC
Yeah. And in websites and armor: function > form!


loneguardian October 13 2005, 22:16:04 UTC
Correction: Not everything is worksafe. XD You have your pantsless Sephiroth up there without a warning label! ;3 (Yeah, just nude, I know, but workpeoples are evil! XE)


kelen October 13 2005, 23:57:23 UTC
Ack! Totally forgot about that one! @.@ I'll change it. Thanks for telling me!


Voice from the past? bardon November 5 2005, 07:47:14 UTC
I may have entirely the wrong person here, and if so please accept my apologies in advance, but...

If I were to say that I was the original Pietro then Essex at Mine Muxlo these many moons ago, would that mean anything to you?

If not, sorry to intrude on your LJ. Mea maxima culpa. :)


Re: Voice from the past? kelen November 5 2005, 14:45:40 UTC
No intrusion at all! :)

*laughs* Wow, that is a blast from the past. I had to sit and figure out what Mine was.. only to then smack myself.

Hi! Sure has been a long time. o.o My memory being as bad as it is I barely recall anything that went on there.


Re: Voice from the past? bardon November 6 2005, 00:18:46 UTC
*laugh* You didn't remember what Mine was? Priceless. :)

Yeah, it's been like - years. I've just changed ISP's and was going through my email address book and found your old addy at enteract.com and thought I'd see if you're still around. I've gone through Kelen - impressive!


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