Waves are Universal (R, Sam/Jack)

Aug 01, 2010 11:37

Title: Waves are Universal
Author: openended
Artist: sarah_jones
Fanmixer: momebie
Genre: Alternate reality, alternate timeline, romance, action
Rating: R
Word Count: 36,739
Characters: Sam and Jack, circa early S7; a cameo by alternate!Teal'c and alternate!Thor; a handful of OCs
Pairings: Sam/Jack

Summary: Alternate realities are old news for SG-1. So is time travel ( Read more... )

genre:plotty, admin:index, fandom:stargate sg-1, series:stargate sg-1:waves are universal, genre:apocafic, genre:romance, pairing:sg-1:sam/jack

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Comments 16

bailunrui August 1 2010, 22:23:56 UTC
I loved this fic! It had elements that really hit on my fic!kinks: isolated, banding together, virus, time travel, end-of-the-world. Thank you so much for writing this!


openended August 1 2010, 23:02:14 UTC
Hey, thank you!


nursebadass August 1 2010, 23:52:20 UTC
I know that I don't have to tell you how much I love this fic. Everything abuot it is brilliant- from the cookie scene, to the celebrating living again to the *sigh* interlude. Every detail is perfect, everything interlocks and interweaves perfectly to form this masterpiece that the story became. For me, it literally has a personality of its own (commas aside, haha) and it's quite unlike any other fanfic I've read- Grey's or SG fandom. You've got an amazing talent for words and especially twisted stories like this and that shows. I could read it a million times. As a matter of fact, I'm going to read it right now and just enjoy it for what it is instead of looking at commas.

Thank you for letting me be your beta. Really, I've never beta-ed before and you're probably the only person I'd beta for again. Well, maybe for slybrunette- but don't tell her that. I doubt she makes cookies like yours.


openended August 2 2010, 00:08:42 UTC
I had to merge the interlude in with a chapter to make all the organization work. A little part of me died inside for you when I did that. I remember some early drafts that were cringeworthy in their unrefinedness (is that a word?) and thank you so, so much for putting up with those and so many insane emails and telling me to just shut the fuck up, sit down and write because it was totally awesome without adding things in or taking really good things out. You've been awesome and especially so since I remember you saying at the very beginning that Stargate wasn't a fandom you saw yourself getting into (eat your words, lady).


nursebadass August 2 2010, 00:14:56 UTC
I'll forgive you for the interlude. And none of them were cringeworthy- it was just very easy to tell that your muse was in the flow and it's never a good thing to disrupt that.

I forgot to mention my love for Alle. You're the only fanfic writer allowed to write an OC from now own. For serious.

And you hush. I'm not into Stargate. Really, I'm not at all.


openended August 2 2010, 00:22:10 UTC
I have, like, seven to ten pages of random pre-apocalypse backstory on that girl. And there were times that I wanted to punch her in the face. And then I rewrote the scene. And all was well. :)

Riiight. So what's with the icons, hm?


dimizo August 2 2010, 12:10:34 UTC
Just wanted to say what a fantastic story. I found it earlier today (at work) and couldn't wait to get home to finish it. Great AR characters and I love the Sam/Jack story interwoven through it all. Annerb has just recc'ed it, so you might find some others stopping by. Is this you first SG1 story? (surely it can't be). If there are others, I would love to read them.


openended August 2 2010, 22:37:06 UTC
Thank you very much. It's not my first, but it's my first of any real length. Purple Snowflakes is a Christmas(ish) fic and Safe in Magnetic Fields is an angstier variation on the alternate reality theme (I needed a break from writing Waves and my brain decided to stick with the genre).



dimizo August 3 2010, 09:15:02 UTC
Thanks for sending the other stories through. I had just recently read 'Safe in Magnetic Fields' but somehow missed that you had written it. I really enjoyed it, although I would loved to have known what went wrong with this Sam & Jack's marriage. Maybe another story....? Thanks again and I'm looking forward to your next story.


laetificat August 3 2010, 11:03:36 UTC
Great story! I really enjoyed reading it. Hit all my happy buttons. :)


openended August 4 2010, 03:21:44 UTC
Thank you!


lavenderseaslug August 3 2010, 17:51:42 UTC
I'm going to be like the world's giddiest fangirl here while I gush about your fic. I love how unique it is. I mean, yes, I've read the time travel and the alternate realities, so maybe it's just your writing style that makes this seem new and exciting to me. You have such a knack for writing things that I will have to remember aren't canon.

(I was going to do by-chapter reviews, but no one else was and I'm nothing if not a sheep, so it's all being laid out here)

I love the memos in Chapter One, I love the description of their daily routine in Chapter Two. And that you also worked zombies into this. In a completely believable way. Also I want to pick out favorite lines, and there are a lot, and it's hard to choose, but this: Alle looks over her shoulder and smiles a hint of a smile that Sam recognizes, even in its smallest form, as hers. “Cooking dinner makes it seem a little less like the world ended,” she says quietly just really stuck out to me. Just lovely. And the idea that Sam needs to ask people if they need her help, and ( ... )


openended August 4 2010, 03:21:24 UTC
You may have just made my life with this comment.

I think the scene with Teal'c is my favorite in the whole story. It originally wasn't going to make it in, and then I thought about taking it out, and then I decided I loved it too much and it needed to stay.

Thank you so, so much.

PS: I'm joining your street gang. Can our catchphrase be "Kree!" ?


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