porn battle entries

Feb 09, 2012 23:07

Hoo boy. This has been a productive few days. Also, FYI, all things are now posted exclusively over on AO3 so if you're wondering where 92% of my writing ran off to over the past nine months, there's your answer.

Babylon 5
To Boldly Go (Delenn; human, exploration, new, mirror; R)
Keep Hope Alive (John/Susan; Io; R)
The Land Between Solar Systems (John/Delenn; sleep, space, illuminated; PG-13)
Mass Romantic (John/Delenn; dating, space, ritual; PG)

Earth 2
Falling Through Your Clothes (Devon Adair/John Danziger; forest, hidden, desperation; R)

Grey's Anatomy
I Still Want More (Mark/Addison; bruises, sore, come; NC-17)

Harry Potter
Who Am I to Disagree (Narcissa/Lucius; imperio; PG-13/R; warning for implied non-con)

Lose Yourself (John/Helen; alley; R)

Stargate SG-1
As the World Fades Away (Sam/Teal'c; tongue, leather, lace, blindfold, pleasure, caress, trust; NC-17)

Stargate SG-1/Battlestar Galactica
Hurricane Drunk (Sam Carter/Kara Thrace; pilots; PG-13)

Okay, so, what have we learned? I write a lot of smut involving men named John. And that I sort of fail at writing porn for the porn battle. Whoops.

fandom:grey's anatomy, fandom:sanctuary, x-over:battlestar galactica/sg-1, pairing:harry potter:lucius/narcissa, character:babylon 5:delenn, genre:romance, pairing:earth 2:danziger/adair, genre:angst, genre:porn, pairing:sg-1:sam/teal'c, fandom:stargate sg-1, pairing:babylon 5:john/delenn, fandom:harry potter, pairing:sanctuary:helen/john, fandom:earth 2, pairing:babylon 5:john/susan, character:sg-1:samantha carter, fandom:babylon 5, character:bsg:kara thrace, pairing:grey's:mark/addison

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