Talking to dead ones?

Apr 29, 2010 16:39

Long time no 'see' minna! xD'

Right now I'm less stressed but I'm having a really bad head-ache. (@_@); Still I'd like to ask you 'bout Spiritual things. My little sister made such an ritual thing some days ago and told me that she could talk to a relative of ours... Of course my parents didn't want to believe but she was convinced that it was the ( Read more... )


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Comments 11

x_hikki_x April 29 2010, 14:45:38 UTC
Kimmy ^__^

Deine Schwester hat das echt gemacht?? :O
Also glauben tu' ich schon, dass es Geister in der Hinsicht gibt (aber nicht so, wie das immer im Fernsehen etc. dargestellt wird), aber meiner Meinung nach sind solche Rituale und desgleichen ziemlich gefährlich. Ich persönlich habe das - Gott sei Dank! - nie gemacht und will es auch so lassen, aber immer wenn mir jemand davon erzählt, fällt es negativ aus :/

Abgesehen davon bin ich eh zu viel Schisshase und häng' an meinem Leben, als das ich sowas mitmachen würde xD;;;
Vllt übertreibe ich auch in meiner Ausführung, aber ich werd' so, wenn ich von solchen Sachen lese, gomen ne xD!


P.S.: Sag ihr lieber, sie sollte es nicht nochmal machen, macht mir Sorgen >.


kekemy May 5 2010, 13:44:11 UTC
Jap... hat sie! (o_o);
Haha, ich glaube auch nicht so wirklich, dass die Geister und so, so schlimm sind, wie sie dargestellt werden. xDD Das wär's ja - wushh ~ dann wäre ich schon lange weg! xDDD Allerdings gefährlich... das wusste sie auch (und sie hat es zusammen mit Freunden gemacht), aber du kennst die Jugend heut zu Tage... (^^); Gut! Lassen wir gemeinsam die Finger davon! (^0^)/ Ich höre nämlich auch nur negatives davon... (o_o);

Richtige Einstellung! (^^) Finde ich gut, dass du dir über dein eigenes Leben so bewusst bist ~♥ Kein Problem, ich wünschte nur, dass meine Schwester soetwas nicht noch einmal macht. (U_U)


PPS: Werde ich machen und ich hoffe sie wird es dann auch nie wieder machen! xDDD Thank you! x3


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kekemy May 5 2010, 13:47:51 UTC
Ich finde es gut, dass du genau so denkst. (^^); Wirklich? Mona wollte das?! (o__O) Ich glaube dacor wäre ich sterben gegangen - mal abgesehen davon, dass das je u.U passieren könnte...! Hoffentlich kommt Micha nicht auf die Idee das noch einmal zu machen und vorallem hier! (O___O)

Haha, wäre schön, wenn es wirklich nur die guten geben würde, aber ich denke eher nicht... Stimmt, ich glaube ich könnte dann auch nicht mehr im Frieden leben. (^^);


kurooha April 29 2010, 18:28:03 UTC
I have a cousin who says that she saw her grandmother, who was death, when she was a kid. My aunt says that it's true because my cousin never saw her grandmother but once my cousin when to talk to my aunt about seeing the grandmother and my cousin told her exactly how she looked like.

I really don't know what to believe, while I can't accept that our mind/our soul, the thing that makes us being strong can disappear so easily I can't also think that there are ghosts everywhere.

I think it's like believing in God, those who believe about it, they will see it, those who can't believe about it, then they will never see it U_U


kekemy May 5 2010, 13:53:58 UTC
OMG! Really???! (O____O) So now I gotta tell my sister and then she has to stop these things! (>__<)

Hm, that is really a hard topic to talk about ne? Somehow you can't come to a point that everyone could accept.

Oh, that is a good statement! (^^) Maybe I should live like that and don't believe that there might be even bad ghosts? xDD It would be nice, if I wouldn't see them then! xDDD But isn't it often the case that ghost or whatever show to those who don't believe that they exist? (o__o);


kurooha May 5 2010, 17:56:15 UTC
xDDDD It's what they told us in a New's Year dinner, you may believe it or not, that depends of you. I can't believe it but at the same time I don't see my aunt and cousin telling a lie about things like that.

Yep, this kind of topic has always been hard since everyone has their own opinion of it U_U

Then again, it depends of what you mean with ghost. I mean, there is ghosts where you can see their bodies but then again there are ghosts if strange things happen when you're not doing anything.
I remember once I left my NintendoDS in the floor and it was closed, but at midnight when I woke up because I was thirsty I found it open. It was strange because if I had left it open before going to sleep the battery would had run out, but it was still working.
And then again if you have cats you can see that sometimes they're looking at something when you can see anything at all. Some may believe that it's because there's a ghosts, others may just think that something's wrong in their heads U_U


kekemy May 6 2010, 14:23:30 UTC
Don't worry I believe you and your aunt and cousin. (^^) We don't have any proof that they might lie, ne? So I think we can believe in the word of your relations!

You're right there are way too many 'ghosts' so that you can't tell from beginning of which sort of ghost they are talking about. ~ You had such an 'accident' with a 'it-might-be-a-ghost'? Weren't you scared when you realized that it should be closed? xD'

Ah! That is something I heard about as well! I don't have a cat so I can't say that this might be true... did something like that happend with Mika, too? .__.


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